Spartak Ngjela explodes against Rama for Kosovo: He is incapable, does not understand or...
Lawyer Spartak Ngjela said in an interview for Euronews Albania that a lawsuit should be filed against Serbia.
As long as a Kosovo policeman was killed, this issue does not need to be discussed.
"If his country is in conflict, the incompetence of a prime minister always goes in favor of the opponent. Now this is the inability of this commitment from Serbia, I say that it is an inability. Why? Because it is not only here, it is in the four major aspects of a prime minister. He is incompetent, he doesn't understand. Let's leave it at that, the damage is equal...whether it is done on purpose or out of incompetence, politics does not measure these, justice measures them.
The fact that we do not have a deep system legal agreement with Kosovo shows that both prime ministers are incompetent. I don't need who is to blame, because if one were to conceive of the disability of the other, he should not fight because he is disabled, he should convince him to pull it. This is politics," said Njela.
The opposition "don't touch me"
DP in battle with the government, justice and internationals
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