FIGURES/ Scary growth on Instagram, Gjesti reaches 400 thousand followers after just one week of existence

The rapper from Peja, Gjesti, is proving to be one of the most discussed and prominent contestants of this edition of Big Brother VIP Albania.
This fact is reflected not only in the debates and dynamics within the house, but also in the support it is receiving from the public abroad.
A clear indication of this support is the significant increase in his Instagram followers. During Tuesday's show, where Gjesti was the subject of many clips and discussions, his Instagram account saw an immediate increase.
From 396 thousand followers before the show began, he now has over 403 thousand followers - an increase of seven thousand in just one night.
Gjesti entered the Big Brother VIP Albania house just a week ago and has since experienced an incredible increase in followers.
Before entering, he had around 160,000 followers on Instagram. With just seven days inside the house and following the dynamics he has created, he has managed to triple his follower base, now reaching over 403,000.
This growth clearly shows his great influence on the Albanian public. The gesture has created debates, polarized opinions and brought new energy within Big Brother VIP Albania.
As one of the most talked-about competitors, he seems to be making the most of his moments to leave his mark, not only in the game, but also on social media.
It remains to be seen how the game will play out for Gjesti and whether his growing popularity will affect his stay within the famous house.
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