Drug trafficking, former officer Dritan Zagani: The connections between politicians and traffickers have facilitated the passage of cargo

The former head of anti-drugs in Albania, Dritan Zagani, through a video message on a foreign show on 'Organized Crime - Global Business', has spoken about drug trafficking in our country, and the secret connections between Albanian politicians and traffickers.
Collusion between politicians and organized crime
The first, according to Zagani, is the drug that is cultivated in the country, which is mainly of the marijuana type, which is transported outside the borders by land or sea, where towards Italy, he called it a fast way to get it out, by watercraft, as speedboats, which can carry several tons of drugs. From there, says Zagani, this load is easier to distribute to other European countries.
Secondly, Zagani says that Albania has already become a key point for the trafficking of hard drugs, such as heroin or cocaine. He says that now Albanian traffickers not only control drug trafficking routes, but also have support from state institutions.
Heroin comes mainly from the east, from countries like Afghanistan or Turkey, entering Europe through our country. This always comes from the ground, via trucks, as you know. But the biggest problem is cocaine coming from South America, which has become one of the main sources of income for Albanian traffickers. Today, there are Albanian traffickers present throughout Europe and South America, who directly and indirectly control drug trafficking routes, preparing cargo via commercial ships that depart from there for Europe. They do this by bribing people in Europe, but also in our country, who have it easier. Given the support that traffickers have from our state institutions, it is easier for them to bring drug loads, store them in Albania, before they leave for the old continent. These traffickers not only receive support, but do not even come into conflict with the Albanian law for this activity, because corruption no longer exists. They have everything under control. They decide who will be the person responsible for controlling the drug load. After all, it is their homeland, and they can do whatever they want. They can bring loads without a problem.” says Zagani.
How has drug trafficking and policing changed in Albania?
The former head of anti-drugs, Dritan Zagani further states that organized crime has always existed in Albania, but previously he says it was different, as the state fought criminal groups, organized crime and drug traffickers, but bribed people when this served their purpose, to take care of their criminal activity.
Gjithçka ndryshoi pas vitit 2013 sipas tij, pasi trafikantët filluan të kishin kontroll mbi qeverinë dhe kështu nuk kanë nevojë më për ryshfete, sepse kanë vendosur njerzit e tyre në pikat kyçe.
Ai thotë se pos disa sukseseve ndaj luftës së narkotikëve, bosët apo anëtarët e rëndësishëm asnjëherë nuk përfundojnë të kapur.
“Kështu gjithçka ishte pak më e mbuluar, më e vështirë, dhe forcat e rendit ishin gjithmonë në luftë ndaj trafikantëve të drogës. Kështu ka qenë gjithmonë. Në vend të kësaj, pas vitit 2013 gjërat ndryshuan shumë, sepse trafikantët e drogës tani kishin kontroll mbi qeverinë e vendit tim, ku gjithçka varet nga politika. Prandaj për veprimtarinë e tyre kriminale, trafikantët nuk kanë më nevojë për t’iu drejtuar ryshfetit. Ata vendosin njerzit e tyre në pikat kryesore, në institucionet shtetërore, kështu ata do të mund të kishin liri të bënin si të donin. Kjo është ajo që ka ndryshuar.
Nga ajo që arrita të dalloja, dhe nga informacionet që kam marrë prej punës sime, tani probelmi nuk është më sesi të futet droga në Shqipëri, por sesi ajo të transportohet në Europë. Megjithatë ka një prpagandë të fortë që përcillet nga politikanët shqiptarë, për mënyrën sesi po luftojnë në luftën ndaj drogës. Është e vërtetë që po kryhen një sërë operacionesh dhe një numur i madh rastesh është pasqyruar nga mediat. Megjitahtë në të gjitha këto raste, ose ka një luftë në vazhdim midis trafikantëve të drogës, për të pasur kontroll në një treg sa më të gjerë, ose janë operacione ku asistojnë edhe partnerët tanë evropianë, që vijnë në Shqipëri me dosje të gatshme dhe kryejnë kapjet e tyre. Kështu policia shqiptare nuk ka rrugëzgjidhje. Edhe në këto raste, partnerët europisnë jsnë zhgënjyer për shkak të informacionit, sepse tashmë ai ka shkuar në veshin e trafikantëve. Kështu gjithmonë, pothuaj gjithmonë, bosët e trafikut të drogës dhe anëtarët më të rëndësishëm, i shmangen kapjes.” thotë Zagani.
Kush është Dritan Zagani?
Zagani në fund të video mesazhit të tij, bën një përshkrim të vetevetes, lidhur me profesionin e tij gjatë ushtrimit në detyrë si ish oficer policie, por shprehet edhe për problemet që ka me drejtësinë shqiptare, i cili cilësohet si një polic në arrati.
” Unë jam një ish-polic, kam mbaruar studimet në Shqipëri në 1993. Nga ajo pikë e tutje kam punuar si një oficer policie në pozicione të ndryshme brenda forcave të policisë. Pozicioni i fundit ishte në seksionin kundër drogës në të cilin kam punuar pjesën më të madhe të karrierës time policore.
My story is a little unusual because I had, I wouldn't say misfortune, but the good fortune of learning from the inside how corruption and organized crime work in my state, more specifically drug trafficking as the primary in our state that grows marijuana as well as the organization that moves the trafficking of cocaine and heroin which come from two different routes. Heroin from Asia and cocaine from Latin America. In this war, work, I was lucky enough to have a clear idea of how these things work, and that was my main problem.
My main problem is that today I am a fugitive for my country. Although the whole world thinks that I am a policeman on the run, at the moment, my family and I were forced to seek asylum in Switzerland, because the situation in Albania is going very wrong for me. This is only for one reason, because I chose not to turn a blind eye to the political clash that was rising to high levels, especially the ministry.
Secret agreements with criminal drug trafficking organizations where I worked, in Fier and Vlora, in the south of Albania, after that, I left the country and now I find myself, as I said, on the run, and even today I am facing a endless trial with justice to find justice.
To find legal justice as personal justice I won the moment my Italian colleagues gave approval to arrest a whole criminal group connected to the Minister of the Interior, at that moment my professional victory was over.
However as you know in my country politics and drug trafficking are now one. They are in force and for me the judicial process has passed a series of hurdles. As for now, I have been convinced until the hearing from the high court, but they have not given me a final answer on how I should continue with the European court for human rights. I cannot continue for economic reasons as well, because I need a good judge, a good legal representative to lead the trial and I am not able to find one, therefore I am forced to live isolated from my country, I cannot return to my home.
What is strange about all this is that for everything I reported and did in my job, the minister wrote in prison, even though he will be under house arrest in a year, you know that's how justice works for politicians in my state .
What can the international community do to help?
The community can help Albania by highlighting the truth as much as possible. Which is easy to do when you have the evidence, the propaganda can be exposed and these drug traffickers who are controlling my state today can be removed." concludes Zagani./ Hashtag.al
AMP: Police who used SKY ECC risk expulsion
December 1, 2:15 p.m -


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