The Socialist Party and its model of perverting the youth

We have a youth like the one we saw today at the Socialist Party Congress, or even in our sister parties, who are obsessed with the concept of greed and theft, because they have been fed examples that getting involved in politics is one of the quickest ways to get rich.
Because we have a youth who, when they look around them, see that they are getting involved with parties and are being followed by some 'strong' person with high-level connections, they easily get a job in the state and you don't have to work or do anything, but only be vigilant whenever there are election campaigns, share your boss's posts on social networks with your superior, because your superior is ignorant and simply uses the 'share' button on the computer, which they don't even know how to turn on, only turn off (by unplugging it, of course).
We have a youth that does not believe in the fair competition that comes through market freedom, but believes that there is no more 'fair' competition than that of filling lists with fictitious names and presenting themselves to the party as safe voters in the next elections, as the only guarantee of making a career and moving forward in 'life'.
We have a poorly modeled youth, where the champion of this perversion was not long ago the LSI, which best followed the principle of 'take from the goats and make them into goats', but when you see how the SP adopted and perfected this principle, those previous models of the party champion of theft, which was replaced by a champion, also due to its long rule and numerous opportunities, seem completely amateurish.
Don't be surprised by what Albania is like today. In fact, as I watched the Youth Congress of the Socialist Party today, I remembered that old expression, that the homeland tomorrow will be like the youth today. Imagine for yourself what future awaits the homeland tomorrow with these models of today's politics.

Magnificent Albania or Bazaar Albania!

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