The shame of Saliu's revolutionaries in Brussels

2025-01-14 18:59:08 / EDITORIAL NGA BATO KOSOVA

The shame of Saliu's revolutionaries in Brussels

Sali Berisha is unwanted not only in the US and the UK, but also in Brussels, France, Italy and Germany. No one meets or hears from him anymore. Even his lobbyists in Brussels, paid with corruption money, cannot help him.

Today, the European People's Party (EPP) rejected Berisha's ridiculous resolutions attacking justice. Meanwhile, Oerd Bylykbashi, claimed success in including an amendment that states:
"Disinformation and propaganda from countries like Russia, China or Iran, which aim to undermine democratic systems, are reinforced in countries aiming for EU membership by the lack of democratic elections, a weak rule of law and the concentration of power in one hand, to the detriment of the separation of powers."

However, millions of euros spent on lobbying failed in the face of an irrefutable truth: The thief cannot say “catch the thief.” Berisha is not credible when he attacks Rama for corruption, because everyone in the Western world already knows and has proven that the two are on the same page. Those who have attacked Berisha as the destroyer of the DP cannot be credible today before their partners in Brussels when they present him as hope for the same party.

An unwanted person by the US and Britain cannot be a reliable partner for the Europeans, period. Berisha's dossier on the table of the European People's Party received a big slap today, discrediting his envoys.

Not a word was said about Rama's corruption, because the same people together with Rama approved the release of the corrupt with amnesty, as was also emphasized in the EU report. Nothing was said about Rama's connections with crime, because Great Britain has included Berisha on the blacklist as being connected to crime. Also, not a word was mentioned about the government's initiatives aimed at manipulating the elections, because the votes were united to close the lists and block the OSCE/ODIHR recommendations.

That's why Berisha couldn't hide his disappointment today, when he tried to sell a resolution sponsored by Greece a few months ago as a success and not mention today's failure.

Several photos were taken with the Commissioner for Enlargement, who then praised Rama's government for the reforms it had undertaken. In fact, her only concern was the holding of a basketball match between Rama's government and an EU country.

So Europe clearly showed today that Berisha is not a solution and is untrustworthy, just as the gas-whites who until yesterday before them showed Berisha as a problem and the solution for the democrats without Berisha. According to the pact with the gas-whites, they are waiting for Berisha's destruction in the elections and a new leader in his place.

That's why Berisha is nowhere. Neither Europe is with Berisha in Tirana nor Berisha is with Europe in Brussels./


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