Noizy surrenders to the police! The rapper has been on the run for months because of the violence against the TikTok character in the club in Peja
Noizy has surrendered to the Kosovo police. The well-known rapper is reported to have surrendered to the police in Peja after several months in search of violence against the TikTok character Medi Iseni.
Noizy, whose real name is Rigels Rajku, is expected to be detained for 48 hours by the prosecutor's decision.
"Rapper Noizy appeared at the police station a little while ago, in which case he will then be interviewed by police investigators, and by the decision of the state prosecutor he will be detained for 48 hours", confirmed the spokesperson of the Basic Prosecutor's Office in Peja, Shkodran Nikçi , for Express.
Also, the other rapper, Stresi, surrendered to the Peja police on November 1, to be released on bail the day after.
TikTok character Medi Iseni accused rapper Noizy of raping him with iron gloves along with 7 of his friends in a night club in Peja in the early morning hours of August 2.
Medi Iseni was raped together with a friend of his and ended up in the hospital. After the news was made public, the TikTok character reacted in a post on InstaStory where he accused the rapper Stresi, claiming that the latter betrayed him.
He has published several messages exchanged on WhatsApp with Stresi, where the rapper guarantees that he will fix his relationship with Noizy, inviting him to the backstage of the night club in Peja.
But, according to Medi Isen, this was a trap because the moment he entered with two of his friends, Noizy and his group of 7 people were waiting for him with guns.
"The truth is that I can't believe it, here's the conversation itself...!!!! I was the second person, while there were more than 8 people prepared with weapons", writes Medi Iseni.
In another post he added: "Well done Archimedes, this was the plan from start to finish. This video and the conversation is after he ended the concert by calling me in style backstage and everyone was there prepared."
Noizy and Medi Iseni were involved in the conflict about two years ago. The event happened during a rapper's concert, where his fans violently shot Medi Isen with their fists.
"They beat me and took me out of the club, what should I do now", he said, while the footage of the moment went viral.
Medi Iseni is Kozak's friend and has clashed and insulted rapper Noizy.
Noizy's release
We remind you that Noizy was released from the cell by the decision of the Court of Durrës, while Kosovo has declared him wanted, as it accuses him of having violated the character of "TikTok", Medi Iseni, together with his group.
The court session for Rigels Rajku took place on August 16, while the rapper offers a financial guarantee of 50 million old lek to be released.
The decision was taken by the court and according to the legal provisions, the property guarantee must be deposited within a period of 5 (five) days.
“Shtetasi Rigels Rajku do të qëndrojë me masë sigurimi “arrest në burg”, deri në depozitimin e garancisë pasurore. Pas depozitimit të shumës përkatëse, duhet të njoftohet menjëherë prokurori, i cili në çdo rast jo më vonë se 24 orë nga njoftimi për depozitimin e shumës së garancisë pasurore, duhet të verifikojë dokumentacionin përkatës dhe të urdhërojë, sipas rastit, lirimin e menjëhershëm të personit nën hetim ose konfirmimin e masës së sigurimit “arrest në burg” parashikuar nga neni 238 i Kodit të Procedurës Penale.”
Kujtojmë që pas arrestimit të tij në Lezhë, gjykata e la në burg artistin e njohur. Por pas gati 10 ditësh, çështja ka kaluar në Gjykatën e Durrësit, ku edhe Noizy ia ka dalë që të fitojë lirinë.
Vetë Stresi dhe Noizy kanë deklaruar se nuk kanë lidhje me sherrin dhe nuk kanë ndërhyrë për të rrahur Medin Isenin, me të cilin kishin zënka në rrjetet sociale. Medi Iseni nga ana tjetër akuzon se “u pre në besë” nga Stresi, i cili dyshohet se e kishte ftuar për ta takuar, por ndërkohë ishte një “kurth”, për ta vendosur në të njëjtin ambient me Noizyn dhe grupin e tij.
Në një intervistë, Stresi është shprehur se konflikti mes trye ka nisur menjëherë pas performancës së Noizy-t në klubin në fjalë, dhe situata ka dalë jashtë kontrollit, dhe sipas tij, kanë filluar që të përleshen me njëri-tjetrin dhe nuk kanë pasur mundësi që të komunikojnë.
Stresi ka thënë se bashkë me Noizy-n nuk e kanë prekur asnjërin prej tyre, e as personin e keqtrajtuar, Medi Isenin.
“Kur ka ardhur, ka ardhur vetë i treti. Kur Noizy ka përfunduar, aty kemi qenë 30 veta. Një ka dalë ka thënë, a mua ma ke sharë gruan, aty ka nisur e gjithë situata, kanë qenë 30 veta. Dhe ka eskaluar situata krejt. Ka nisur diçka që nuk kemi mundur as të reagojmë. Unë nuk jam as servil i Noizyt, as servil i kërkujt. Akuzat që janë bërë ndaj Noizyt që e ka prek, as nuk ka pasur mundësi as me prek. I kam duart e prera, shenja akoma që kam hyrë me i nda”, tha ai për Klan Kosova.
Ndër të tjera, ai ka treguar se të nesërmen pas ngjarjes ai është thirrur nga policia për tu paraqitur për të dhënë dëshmi si dëshmitar, por ai nuk ka shkuar.
“Me ka marr policia të nesërmen në telefon, a po vjen të na japësh në deklaratë për ngjarjen, pro në nuk u hamë këto fore. Ndaj kam menduar se kam urdhër arrest. Kërkuan deklaratë si dëshmitar dhe unë se kam besuar. Deklaratën nuk e kam dhënë, do e jap avokati. Nuk e ka prek askush prej nesh”, tha ai.
Rrëfimi i Stresit:
“Personi në fjalë, që është keqtrajtuar ka kontaktuar babanë tim në Zvicër me gjithë të atin e tij sepse këta shajnë gjithë dimrit dhe duan të vijnë verës të pajtohen.
This is the truth. I was in Saranda when my father called me and told me that this guy wants to meet me. I told him I don't want to meet him, I don't want to see him. Even if I had betrayed him, I had betrayed him already in Tirana. This is the reality. He came here, Med's father called my family. My father told him that in Albania no one touches you, go on.
When I went to Peja for a performance with Noizy, where he went out live and said "I'll go tomorrow, I'll do styles", the night before we went out live together, instead of shutting down the conversation with Noizy, who had curse the family. The next day, when he came, we told him come on, we can talk. When he came, the third himself came. When Noizy finished, there were 30 of us. One came out and said, did you insult my wife, that's where the whole situation started, there were 30 people. And the situation has completely escalated. Something started that we couldn't even react to. I am neither a servile of Noizy, nor a servile of the search. The accusations that were made against Noizy that affected him, he did not even have a chance to touch.
My hands are cut, the marks are still there that I entered with them. I ate glasses and cut my finger. I'm the one who said no, no. Those people who were with Med, they also protected him. We then fled towards Pristina. The police picked me up on the phone the next day, are you coming to give us a statement about the incident, but we won't give it to you these days. That's why I thought I had an arrest warrant. They asked for a statement as a witness and I believed it. I did not give the statement, the lawyer will give it. None of us touched it.
Noizy's confession
For several days, I have become part of the media headlines as a result of an unfair denunciation against me, for an event that happened in Peja, where I have no finger at all, zero!
I want to start this reaction with a deep apology to those who were disturbed by my reaction. This came as a result of the indignation for a false and unfair report against me, since I have never faced such situations and as a result, unfortunately, I did not react at the level I would like. Once again, sorry.
I also understand the media doing their job and I apologize if they were misunderstood by my hasty reaction.
As above, I want to inform and guarantee anyone and every institution that I am never on the run or defying justice, but I am following the legal path with professionals in the field to avoid the trap of injustice against me and solve the case in cooperation with the authorities of justice in Kosovo.
Together with the law firm contracted by me, we will contribute as much as possible to extinguish any doubt that burdens me and clarify this event where I am the victim of a false report and I have nothing to do with it.
Thanking you for your understanding and support and apologizing for this ugly situation in which I was involved.
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