Xhest's ex-girlfriend surprises, here's who she supports in 'BBVA4'

2025-02-26 20:22:52 / SHOWBIZ ALFA PRESS

Xhest's ex-girlfriend surprises, here's who she supports in

Although she is not part of the show, her name has been mentioned in the "BBVA4" house, whether she likes it or not.

This is because when she was part of "BBVK", Xheneta Fetahu experienced a romance with Gjesti, which she left behind. After the end of "Big Brother Kosova", the reactions from the former resident regarding the situation in "BBVA4" have been numerous.

Recently, Xheneta revealed to us that she is supporting journalist Gerta Gixhari's journey in this format.

This support was taken as "revenge against Gjesti", as the journalist and current resident of "BBVA4", Gerta, is known for her clashes with the artist from Kosovo and Rozana.


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