The Germans and the French produce the most potatoes in Europe

2024-08-09 23:22:19 / BOTA ALFA PRESS

The Germans and the French produce the most potatoes in Europe
Last year, 48.3 million tons of potatoes were produced in the European Union, and the most in Germany, where 11.6 million tons of potatoes were produced, or 24 percent of the total production in the EU.

The second largest producer of potatoes in the EU last year was France with a share of 17.9 percent and the third was the Netherlands with 13.4 percent.

The three countries mentioned accounted for the majority last year, respectively 55.4 percent of the total potato production in the European Union.

EU production rose slightly to 47.5 million tonnes in 2022, but the long-term trend is extremely negative, Eurostat announced on Friday.

If we compare last year's data with those of 2000, potato production in the European Union has decreased by 36.7 percent, or by 27.9 million tons.