TikTok government closed!

The decision to shut down TikTok for a year is a measure that will ultimately yield no results. Attempting to undertake actions with limited time and space has also failed in the past. Therefore, this government would do well to see the problems in its strategies and vision for education and not look, as it always does, for the problem outside of itself.
Violence at school and in society is not an isolated phenomenon that stems only from the use of social networks. It is the product of a contaminated environment that surrounds children and young people, starting from the home, the street, the television, and up to the behavior of politicians and public figures. Negative examples are numerous and ubiquitous, not just on social platforms.
The problem lies deeper. The school, which was once considered the place where values and education were transmitted, has largely lost its educational role, focusing mainly on bureaucratic forms and leaving educational content behind. Teachers often feel powerless to influence students, while parents often feel that the responsibility of education ends when the child is sent to school.
Shutting down TikTok is only a superficial measure. The issue requires an in-depth analysis and a joint commitment from all actors in society. A national pact on education is necessary, involving parents, teachers, institutions and the community, to combat violence by addressing its root causes.
Claiming solutions with repressive measures is like washing your hands like Pontius Pilate and not taking any responsibility. The school has lost its transformative, educational value and the power to generate positive examples. Without this approach to education and training, temporary closures will be mere patches on a much deeper problem, which will continue in other forms.

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