Civil disobedience is "subdued", Berisha's MPs demand a new bargain with Rama

2024-10-31 13:05:31 / EDITORIAL NGA BATO KOSOVA

Civil disobedience is "subdued", Berisha's MPs demand a new

After the spectacular failure of the two acts of civil disobedience called by Berisha, whose protests were boycotted by the citizens, it seems that the outbreak of civil disobedience in the parliament has started.

In the tepid action in front of the doors of the Assembly, without a senseless strategy, while the majority continues its unconcerned work, Berisha's "sovereignist" deputies opened the way for the EU ambassador Gonzato, who paraded through the deranged crowd of deputies to deliver to the assembly EC progress report.

A progress report that proved that the amnesty voted by Rama and Berisha was a concern for SPAK's work.

As it has proven that the only thing that the EU is proud of for Albania is the work of SPAK against corruption in the country, a fight which with its fruits will open the door to our country for the EU, which contradicts the rhetoric of Berisha and his supporters, who continue to call the Special Prosecutor's Office a criminal organization.

If a year ago, the bargain between Berisha and Rama resulted in the release of the corrupt, the closing of the lists and the official recognition of Berisha by the court and the government, it remains to be seen what the new bargain will be after the disobedience of tired civilians?

Happening now...