Magnificent Albania or Bazaar Albania!

2025-03-10 16:24:58 / IDE NGA ERMAL PEçI!

There is a deadlock in what should be presented to the opposition or in the political establishment that is being produced in Albania. The only thing that does not change in our reality are the politicians, the political actors who have been around for 34 years and their alliances which in many cases have been immoral.

Magnificent Albania or Bazaar Albania!

One such alliance was the one in 2013 called the Alliance of Filth, where Ilir Meta joined forces with Edi Rama to continue the political-moral degradation produced by this duo, which Albania is suffering from today.

Today Berisha unveiled his coalition to Albanians with the slogan "Great Albania", a slogan copied from Trump's campaign, "Make America Great Again". "Great Albania" has brought together the Chams with the Greeks, the Northern Epirus theses and the Freedom Party.

In fact, all of the "big" names I mentioned in this alliance have been at least once collaborators of Edi Rama and have co-governed and have been against the Democratic Party. Among all of these former collaborators of Edi Rama, the man who stands out for the cruelty he had from 2013 to 2017 against members of the DP and then collaborated again with Edi Rama to conspire with the McGonigal dossier against former DP leader Lulzim Basha, is named Ilir Meta.

Now all these names like Meta, Dule, Beleri and Idrizi will be on the safe lists of the DP, where they will produce the spirit to make Albania Great.
But can figures who are worn out in front of public opinion and declassified for the political agreements they have developed produce spirit and morale. Can "Great Albania" produce spirit when the entire coalition is against SPAK but in fact 80% of Albanians are pro-SPAK and support his work. Can these figures defeat Edi Rama, when they were the same ones who gave him power, they were the same ones who approved everything he ordered and they are the same ones he defeated with photos and without any program.

In this political panorama and with this coalition that Berisha has made public, one thing is certain: from "Great Albania", with Meta, Dule, Idrizi and Beleri, there will be a Pazar Albania because none of them, including Berisha, have any greatness left, but only Pazar, a Pazar that they have made at the expense of Albanians.




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