The beginning of the end of the Balkan autocrats!

2025-02-03 09:58:18 / IDE NGA AZGAN HAKLAJ

The beginning of the end of the Balkan autocrats!

What is happening in Belgrade is the clearest signal of the materialization of the civic hatred accumulated over the years by autocracy, corrupt greed and the limitation of democracy.
Slobodan Milosevic's Himmler, Aleksandar Vučić is in his last moments and is said to have booked apartments in the luxury neighborhood of Moscow where he experiences the escape of Bashar Al Assad.
This political specimen thought for many years and decades to lie and disorient the Euro-Atlantic factor, while not only his conviction and orientation but his entire strategy proves to be pro-Russian not only in Serbia but also in the region.
The silence of the West towards the destabilization of Serbia by the not only youth-student but also academic movement shows that Vučić's "false honeymoon" with the democratic world is coming to an end.
The events in Serbia, Bosnia and Montenegro, as well as his encouragement of the Slavic-Macedonian chauvinist factor, have now been intercepted and decrypted in the Euro-Atlantic chancelleries.
At first glance, it seems that this situation suits the Albanian factor in the Balkans.
However, it happens as not infrequently in history that unfortunately our Nation produces Hamzallari of the Albin Kurti type who muddy the blue waters of our national future.
This unprecedented demagogue is sometimes dismantling the recognition and further integration of Kosovo.
He not only forgot the promises and oaths but openly violated the Albanian human and customary code by withdrawing the "trust" for the pseudo-causes with which he was served for years, supposedly fighting with idealism for national unity.
He not only "forgot" but has secretly and diabolically approached the policy of national entanglements with Skopje, Tirana, Preshevo-Bujanovci and Podgorica.
He shook the foundations of our Nation's greatest and most powerful friendship with the USA to the point of collapse.
This fact alone, now revealed and declared by Washington, would be enough to make February 9 seem too far away to vote him out of power forever.
The level he brought Kosovo to, not only economically without any vision but also politically internationally, is a major and without synonym reason for him and his neo-Marxist gang to completely atrophy.
The heavy sanctions that he has been serving Kosovo for years must be turned by voters in the Dardanian region into electoral nominative sanctions for Albin Kurti and the gang of megalomaniac and irresponsible demagogues.
The opposition in Kosovo today, proven for Euro-Atlanticism and real political and military contribution in those lands, is credible, programmatic and with political and intellectual capacities to heal the situation.
The arrogance and political downfall of thugs like Albin Kurti should of course be a lesson for all of our national politics.
Our nation is the most suffering in Europe and beyond and the numerous Holocausts in history do not wait for their own children to do it.
February 9th is knocking and autocrats of the Vučić-Kurti type will be followed by others of the Edi Rama type.
Sultan Rama will also have the same fate.
Neither the two broken ribs Berisha-Metaj, nor Micotaqis and Beleris, nor his platform for the cantonization of Albania to remain in power, nor the charms of Mond Brahimaj can save his autocratic regime. The
Euro-Atlantic Alliance is today Albania's only hope.
Euro-Atlanticism is the only path of the Albanian Nation.
Euro-Atlanticism, partnership with precious allies is the only path of Dardania.
And this path will be sealed by the sovereign on February 9th.
On this historic day between the future of Kosovo and the power of Albin, the Dardanian citizens will choose Kosovo.
The arrogance, the hysterical political aggressiveness that Albin Kurti demonstrated in this election campaign is in fact his true character without a mask.
He leads with large fines from the CEC but the biggest punitive fine will be received from the people of Kosovo on February 9.
On February 9, ancient Dardania (Kosovo) will punish Albin Kurti with a referendum vote, with a red card.