Rajmond Dervishi will represent the Euro-Atlantic Democrats in Vora: I invite you to sign a contract of trust to end the transition

Engineer Rajmond Dervishi is one of the Euro-Atlantic Democrats' candidates who will represent the municipality of Vora in the May 11 elections.
Through a post, Dervishi states that "Albania is currently governed by a political class that has taken local and central institutions hostage, treating the ordinary citizen as 'meat for cannon', to satisfy the appetites and bargains of power, dragging them into the rights that belong to them, denying them, and offering them supposedly solutions every time the elections offer them, and the end result is always the same, where the powers that be distance themselves from the voter, and the voter continues the ordeal of suffering."
Below is the full post:
Dear friends, well-wishers, citizens of the Tirana District.
Dear residents of the Administrative Units of the Municipality of Vora.
I, Rajmond Bashkim Dervishi, born and raised in Vora, residing in Tirana, with higher education, graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering with the title "Survey Engineer", as well as from the Faculty of Law, with the title "Jurist" with a master's degree in "Civil Law", with postgraduate qualifications in the field of real estate, with experience in public service, in several administrative duties previously held and currently as a private expert approved by the Ministry of Justice in the function of justice bodies such as the Prosecutor and the Court, present to you my decision, after the vote of confidence by the National Council of Euro-Atlantic Democrats, for my candidacy for the parliamentary elections of May 11, 2025, as a deputy of the Tirana District.
I feel appreciated that the National Council of Euro-Atlantic Democrats and the leader of the Coalition, Mr. Lulzim Basha, gave me the confidence to be a candidate for MP, accepting with full will and responsibility this commitment motivated by the urgent need for a change in the political class, with the objective of developing the democratic standards of our country.
Albania is currently governed by a political class that has taken local and central institutions hostage, treating the ordinary citizen as 'cannon fodder', to satisfy the appetites and bargains of power, dragging them into the rights that belong to them, denying them, and supposedly offering them solutions every time the elections offer them, and the outcome is always the same, where the powers that be distance themselves from the voter, and the voter continues the ordeal of suffering.
We are all witnesses to parliamentary current affairs, degradation, avoidance of responsibility and the constitutional duty to serve the voters. We are all witnesses where in the Parliament's rostrum, people talk about how many villas one person has and how many villas another has, who owns one tower or whose next tower, who owns one businessman and who owns the other, how many hectares are donated to one oligarch, and how many hectares are donated to another oligarch. For a long time, there has been no debate about solutions for the benefit of citizens, there has been no debate about the villagers who have received land from a tap since 1991 and cannot register them due to corrupt bureaucracies, there has been no debate about why the funds acceded to by the European Union for the development of agriculture have ended up for party favors in guesthouses and luxury hotels, there has been no debate about why there are no medicines in hospitals, but even in those few cases when there has been a debate, it has been about consumption and internal shopping of various groups with personal interests.
My friends, the time of politicians who have plundered Albania for 34 years is over, and as we are all witnesses that the countdown for this gang of thieves in office has begun, it is a matter of time and place, and therefore the time to change this reality is approaching.
Dear friends, well-wishers and residents of the Tirana District, in particular the residents of the Municipality of Vora, the community to which I belong and with whom I grew up, given the responsibility with which I undertake to represent you in the Assembly of the Republic of Albania, I ask for maximum support from each of you.
I invite you all together to rise to the responsibility to change the lives of our families, by trusting and promising each other an agreement for dignified representation in the next parliamentary legislature.
Through your vote of confidence, where your vote is the only democratic tool for changing and improving the legislative and executive branches of government, I invite you to enter into a contract of trust to end the transition of autocratic presidents and to launch a new era of governance with democratic standards and rules, for a dignified life and a functional representative democracy.
Thanking you for your motivation and courage to take on this responsibility, I wish each of you health and prosperity!
Yours, Rajmond B. DERVISHI
Candidate for Deputy of the Coalition of Euro-Atlantic Democrats, for the Albanian Parliament.
No. cel. 0682031831
email: [email protected]
Waiting for the United States of America
February 15, 18:05 -

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