How did Veliaj find out about the existence of the arrest warrant? Klodiana Lala: “The Black Swan” was a message! In the first hour in the cell…

2025-02-15 18:53:25 / POLITIKË ALFA PRESS

How did Veliaj find out about the existence of the arrest warrant? Klodiana
Journalist Klodiana Lala, on the show "This Week" with Nisida Tufa on News24, shared the first moments of how she learned of the news of the arrest of Tirana Mayor Erion Veliaj just a few days ago.

Initially, a source was the one who communicated the presence of BKH officers and police officers in Veliaj's office, but in the first moments it was unclear whether it was about the arrest of the mayor or a routine check.

"We were almost the majority of the chronicle journalists in the SPAK premises because we were waiting for a session for another mayor to end.
I received a call from a trusted source who told me that BKH agents and the police had landed at the office of the mayor of Tirana but did not confirm an arrest or routine check.
The fact that the investigations had intensified and there were actions day after day, we journalists follow the events step by step and we definitely ask the sources, communicate and understand the dynamics of how things are developing. That day I was impressed that one of the two prosecutors in the case, Mr. Dado, had not come to court for any of his cases, it was only for one case that was postponed.
But since the special prosecutors have a workload, it was also seen as something that could happen.
This is one of the cases of a significant blow to the Special Prosecution Office, it is the number 2 of the majority
," she said.

The journalist further shared details from the first moments when Veliaj learned of the arrest warrant issued in his name and then his transfer to the security block at Mine Peza.

"When the BKH officers and police officers went to his office, Veliaj was not aware of the arrest warrant and in the first moments he received them calmly. When the order was communicated to him, there was a shock and an expression from one of the officers, which was that if you do not immediately follow us according to the procedures, we can act as in the case of Mr. Meta. Veliaj followed them of course.
He was immediately escorted to the security block. He only asked for books. The Black Swan was sent by one of his associates, a book that I do not believe he has finished. It was a choice to send a few more messages.
On the first night he met with the lawyer and they sent him the change of clothes, the clothes that are sent to every person who is under investigation
," she said.


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