He complained about his girlfriend abandoning him, while the 29-year-old blackmailed him.

A 26-year-old man named Erlind Sula showed up a few days ago at the offices of the show Piranjat, asking for help, but without revealing his problem. Until the moment when journalists met with him. His plight was similar to that of many of his peers, who, unable to cope emotionally with the breakup, fall into despair and desperately seek to restore a relationship that has already been lost.
But unlike the others, he has denounced the girl who abandoned him.
So a clear picture. Getting to know each other on Tik-Tok, intensive communication on the phone and 'chat', sharing intimate secrets with each other, until the moment of meeting.
According to the young man, Esmeralda, the newly-acquainted partner was a young, married woman, mother of two. After a long crisis with her husband, she had decided to create a parallel relationship with this person, who apparently gave her security for the future.
From the way he speaks, this young man gives the idea that he has problems with his upbringing, but in fact he is a person who leads a normal and independent life.
He spends most of his time in Germany, where he has documents and works regularly. Despite discovering that his partner is communicating with other people, the young man has clear ideas. Esmeralda must return with him, but this time on his own terms.
Erlindi doesn't know how he can win back Esmeralda's lost love.
This short story would have ended here if the Piranhave editorial office hadn't received a call from an unknown person, who said that a Tik Tok character named Erlind was denigrating him and his family.
So, Erlindi, blinded by love for Esmeralda, has lost his mind and has begun to pursue her and the person he suspects is her new lover.
Journalists once again invited Erlindi, who is accused of stalking and denigrating his ex-girlfriend but also the family of a person he has never met.
To understand the real reasons that push the young man to cross every red line, the journalists contact her, Esmeralda, who is the subject of this whole absurd story. Who says that there was nothing wrong with Erlindi and that he pursues her without reason. In fact, the Piranhas had evidence that Esmeralda and Erlindi had an intimate relationship with each other.
Throughout her phone conversation, Esmeralda ignores the fact that the two had an affair. She claims to be the victim of a maniac who has been harassing her for a long time. However, at this point, Esmeralda's white lie matters little.
This story belongs to the past, and the broken relationship with the 26-year-old is her right. No one can blacken her life with pressure and blackmail to bring her back to herself.
Even more so when the persecution exceeds the limits of the imaginable. Meanwhile, in a conversation with Esmeralda, the latter tells the Piranhas that Erlindi has taken the road from Durrës, to a village in Lezha, for the sole purpose of denigrating her in front of her neighbors.
All of this you heard was taken from his Tik-Tok profile. Maybe we should meet him again, because it's clear that this young man needs help.
After a very long argument between Erlindi and the person who brought the complaint against him, the 29-year-old insisted on the fact that he has or is in love with Esmeralda, the person who helped him go to Germany. What we need to resolve is the persecution and denigration that the 29-year-old is doing to these two people.
After finally being convinced that this story should end there, Erlindi takes out his cell phone and, in our presence, deletes all the denigrating posts he has published about Esmeralda./ Syri

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