Teenager arrested in Austria for planning train station attack, supporting ISIS

2025-02-19 18:44:05 / BOTA ALFA PRESS

Teenager arrested in Austria for planning train station attack, supporting ISIS

Austrian authorities have arrested a 14-year-old boy suspected of planning an attack at a Vienna train station and found material suggesting he supported the Islamic State group, authorities said Wednesday, AP news agency reports.

The Interior Ministry has announced that the young man, an Austrian of Turkish origin, was arrested in the capital on February 10.

He was reportedly radicalized online. The arrest came after Austrian intelligence sources found that an Islamic State supporter had posted stories and videos with extremist Islamic content on several TikTok profiles.

The suspect was identified and prosecutors have ordered his arrest on suspicion of membership in a terrorist or criminal organization.

According to the ministry, the young man was carrying a knife when he was arrested. During a search of his home, investigators found many books with Islamic extremist content, as well as drawings of stabbing attacks at a station and against police, and drawings of fighters with the Islamic State flag. They also found handwritten instructions for making explosive material that can be used as detonators for bombs.


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