34 years, memory, honor and reflection!

Happy 34th anniversary of the establishment of the Vlora branch of the Democratic Party!
How today 34 years ago in Vlora, the branch of the Democratic Party of Vlora was founded by a group of democratic initiators!
A marked date, which deserves to be remembered always with veneration and gratitude.
Not only the founders, not only the leaders of the Democratic Party, but first of all the real democrats, fighters and resistance fighters, idealists and dreamers, consistent in their right-wing and pro-Western convictions, deserve not only maximum respect, but much more.
As Albania deserves more!
December 29, 2024 should be not only a day of remembrance for all the Democrats from Vlonia, but also a day of reflection and appeal for the future!
Reflection and appeal on where and how the DPSH is today!
Unfortunately, it continues to be divided, with old figures in age and ideas, very worn out and politically recycled, but also hopeless to bring the long-awaited victory for the democrats.
Today in the DP you cannot find new figures of intellectuals or even from civil society, because this DP is not capable of inspiring, uniting and attracting new spirit and blood, even - it even seems as if it has set itself the goal of alienating society and hold together only a group of militants, recycling and sustaining the methods of the communist caste in leadership.
In the DP, which should have been closely connected with the West, we currently see the recycling of figures that should have been removed in time, unfortunately we see the revival of the cult of the individual and idols. It is precisely these idols and individuals who have distanced PD from true democratic and western principles and values!
Today, PD is outdated in age, outdated in ideas and political action; refractory and without causes; with chronic losers who are removed as winners and who have stuck the party for so many years and lead it from regression to regression, alienating many of its founding members, the gray electorate.
Today, PD, which was founded as an open party, is hostile to any different opinion and does not know how to see and work for the major interest of Albanians and is isolated internationally.
But what is most important is that DP still does not enjoy the support of the international factor and, despite some lobbying, it is totally isolated, condemning us to not be what the times demand!
Dear friends,
34 years ago the Democratic Party was born as a symbol of hope, of free thought, as the party that connected us and would lead us to the West!
Today, the democrats do not deserve to remain hostage to some false causes and some arriviste and careerist persons!
Today, the democrats deserve that their sacrifices are not misused and that they get into unnecessary conflicts with each other and all Albanians!
The Democratic Party does not deserve to languish between the past and the future and be dragged along by the personal interests of someone who connects the fate of the party with his personal fate and stops change, progress and renewal!
Because the Democratic Party, the democrats and Albania deserve more, much more!
The Democratic Party cannot be held hostage in its pro-Western way! Because the Democratic Party is in favor of Albania and its Euro-Atlantic future.
Therefore, on this 34th anniversary, I wish PD Vlorë branch: Happy, long life, with strength, coherence, character and ideas for the democrats and Albania!

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