"Cooperation, Hope and Success"

2024-12-30 18:32:15 / IDE NGA MAJLINDA BREGU

"Cooperation, Hope and Success"
Majlinda Bregu's Farewell Message for the Balkans"

The Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), Majlinda Bregu, closed an important era with the end of her two mandates, leaving behind a legacy that represents the spirit of cooperation and efforts for the European integration of the Western Balkans.

A Vision for the Balkans: From Conflict to Cooperation

In 2019, Bregu started this journey with a clear goal: to bring the countries of the Western Balkans closer together and connect them more closely with Europe. It was a journey she describes as more energizing and challenging than she could have imagined. From the pandemic to skepticism about EU enlargement, she worked to turn words into concrete actions.

"Striving for concrete achievements and keeping the hope of EU integration, even when the word 'enlargement' was in the shadows, was among the biggest challenges," said Bregu.

Achievements That Shaped the Region

In a proud retrospective, Bregu listed some of the main achievements during her tenure:
• Elimination of roaming charges: Move that reduced up to 97% telephone charges with the EU.
• Green corridors during the pandemic: A lifeline for regional trade and supply chains.
• Recognition of degrees and professions: Convenience for students and professionals of the Western Balkans.
• Common Regional Market Plan: A step towards the EU Single Market.
• The first Green Agenda for the region: A concrete commitment to environmental protection.
• Platform for youth and women's entrepreneurship: Inclusion of young generations and marginalized groups.

"The Region Today: Freer and More Aware"

After six intense years, Majlinda Bregu closes with a strong message:
"This region has never been more aware of the importance of cooperation than today. In a world where uncertainty is the norm, collaboration remains essential.”

A New Era with Amer Kapetanovic

From January 1, 2025, Amer Kapetanovic, a 25-year-old diplomat from Bosnia and Herzegovina, will take over the baton. After six years as Political Director of RCC, Kapetanovic is expected to continue the vision of regional cooperation.

Majlinda Bregu ended her statement by thanking the RCC team and all those who supported her journey.