The sons of Satan – The oppressors of politics!

2025-01-26 11:57:38 / IDE NGA AZGAN HAKLAJ

The sons of Satan – The oppressors of politics!

The government of theft invades the foundations of the Bektashi!

Saving Bektashism is a national mission!

In this pre-election climate where promises, especially from the Rama-Berisha duo, flood in like contraband of their customs-free governance, it seems as if the truth is not only not to be found but remains a utopia.
The re-establishment speaks of depopulation which is a reality but there is no program to curb it except rhetoric, definitions and "sovereign" slogans without any studied option for the return and reintegration of immigrants, mainly youth.
While the majority shouts for cosmic freedom of movement in a globalist world while under the rug it works and materializes the occupation of strategic-historical regions, the indiscriminate and unconstitutional replacement of the indigenous Albanian population with refugees from third world countries.
Edi Rama and his kleptocratic power do not hesitate to give away parts of the territory for the accommodation and business of foreigners not only in violation of the national constitutional laws of sovereignty but also against fundamental international human laws.
With the game for Beleri, Rama and Berisha struck the marrow of Labëria, Himara!
They enabled a character who has violated national symbols, who is part of the Golden Dawn and spokesman for southern Hellenism, to be certified as a member of the European Parliament, and today he is seeking self-determination for a triangle of Himara-Finiq-Dropull, with the annexation of Konispol as well, seeking de facto association of the model that the Serbs are seeking in Kosovo.
Sali Berisha, taking advantage not only of his nepotism but also of his great deal of compromise with Rama, the Montezuma of the Reestablishment beats his noisy drum with a now out of fashion "melody", becoming a conscious party to the depopulation of Albania and the degradation of democracy.
The madness reaches the point where they silently agree together to put their hands in the affairs of religion or, in Albanian, in the affairs of God, imitating the dictator in the 67s when the consommateurs of the Tritan Shehu type rushed towards the destruction of churches, mosques and tekkes.
Only now the autocracy through Erdogan decides who will be the Hoxha and the congregation while trying to degrade Baktashism and its mission by trying to transform it into a republic of hodenist bashibuzuks equipped with corruption banks and where criminal politicians receive diplomatic immunity.
The statement of Prime Minister Edi Rama after receiving instructions in Davos from Alex Soros on the 95th anniversary of the establishment of the World Headquarters of the Baktashi Patriarchate is a deepening of the scandal but above all of the unstoppability in the real endangerment of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Albania.
This state that the Bektashis serve by Edi Rama is not a sovereign or religious state,
it is an open national betrayal.
The nationalist Bektashi clerics fought for Albania, not for religious plots.
The resignation of the fathers today is the highest act that the homeland demands.
Today they must become missionaries of the nation.
Edi Rama took Bektashism from the two scoundrels Sali Berisha and Ilir Metaj who held it hostage for their own political interests for three decades, leaving it as an NGO.
Edi Rama has tried to present the Bektashi State in public as an American-Israeli project with the meeting of a rabbi convicted in his country for corruption and allegedly baptized by the Vatican, but it was clear that there is no project consulted with internationals.
The confusing pathetic electoral statements of Rama for the Bektashi State and the World Patriarch Edmond Brahimaj "we hope to realize the Bektashi Order" clearly prove that Edi Rama is using Mond Brahimaj and Bektashism for his own political interests on the eve of the electoral campaign and hopes to buy political influence with this populist religious movement.
Bektashism, due to being taken hostage by Edi Rama and his henchmen, is increasingly moving away from the axis of its role and values ​​in our country.
Albanians and the world still remember these values, not only religious, of faith in God, but first of all those of patriotism, unity and peaceful coexistence represented by the Frashëri brothers.
Rama, after stealing the nominative essence of "Renaissance" and adapting it as a caricature in the former Party of Labor, today wants to antagonize them with other religious identities in the country, destroying that value that this nation has created with hard work and blood.
Bektashism is not a religion.
It is a tariqa from among the many of the Islamic religion that for objective historical reasons moved its headquarters to Tirana 95 years ago.
The creator of Bektashism, Haxhi Bektash Veliu, left his will:
"The highest throne is the love of God"!
Bektashism is a reality that in its delicacy does not allow any propaganda intervention for not only occult and electoral interests but perhaps with fatal shots against the unity and sovereignty of the country.
The enclaving of Albania is national treason!
For this act of treason and theft, the Batakçiu Sali Berisha should declare civil disobedience and not be satisfied with FB statements.
Naturally, the question arises??!
But why has the "myhybi" thief Ilir Meta been silent!
Tell me:
Was it Marshall Berisha who despicably degraded in 1992 the status of the Autocephaly of the Orthodox Church by crowning Janullatus while the "sovereign" Meta provided him with an Albanian passport.
So these are the real "patriots" who, with as much force and violence as they still seek votes, with just as much force, are preaching our national disintegration and disintegration.
I want to remind these charlatans that the Frashëllins, the ideologists of the Renaissance and Bektashism, have left us the sentence as a testament: "Without a Homeland, there is no religion"!
It is time not only to reflect but to pray for the Homeland.
Political "fathers" with collars and an anti-national CV must be stopped.
America set the example of how a nation reacts when its biological essence is affected.
This must happen, because otherwise we turn into sheep lined up at the slaughterhouse door.