"Dance of trouble", SPAK and the alternative Basha!

2024-12-29 14:01:08 / IDE NGA ERMAL PEçI!

"Dance of trouble", SPAK and the alternative Basha!

After the shame that happened in Kosovo at the meeting of the two parliaments where the prime ministers together with the deputies behaved like kaposha and not as political elites, there was a defamatory video of the SP deputies hugging and singing songs: "Where are you, my Albania?" ".
These who brought the criminals to the parliament, these who are commanded by the scum, which is the crime that is coming to us in every interception of SKY ECC & Enco chat that appoints MPs according to preferences of the underworld, those who are turning corruption into an institution now sing the emblematic song of Albania. To cover the shame of that behavior in Kosovo, they use ways to divert the attention of Albanians from the pre-political level they show and the greed that characterizes this majority.
But as if that slanderous propaganda video yesterday was not enough, the Democratic Party of Sali Berisha that every time Rama needs them, as for him release the corrupt and how to close the lists, they come together, yesterday they published a video where all Albanians could see what their alternative is.
If the SP has a higher level of propaganda than the DP and to cover up corruption they sing about Albania, these DP, since they have the problem of the lists for the deputies, sing to Sali Berisha and dance to his songs. In fact, every time I watch videos like the one of the SP deputies and the one from yesterday where the DP deputies danced and danced to the song dedicated to Sali Berisha, I remember "the sex of angels". The siege of Constantinople shows what happens to the ruling elite when they disconnect from reality while Ottoman troops surrounded Constantinople theologians talked about what sex angels had. I understand that those 96% are neither theologians nor people of opinion, but are people chosen by party leaders, who do not know what awaits them. If Constantinople was surrounded by the Ottomans, now the two biggest parties and their leaders Rama and Berisha are surrounded by SPAK and totally disconnected from the economic and social problems that our country has.
In fact, both of these dances and ugly parodies of Albanian politics want to shift attention from the only problem they have, which is called SPAK. Gonzato's call against SPAK that "you have done a very good job but don't rest on your laurels" and the message of Kazanov, Washington's special envoy for the Western Balkans for extending the mandate of SPAK prosecutors, is expected to bring a storm in Albanian politics. The storm that will undo every dance and every song used by political thieves to cover up the mess they have caused.
In this "Rumour Powers" who only attack SPAK and want to present a political reality, these are two actors, Rama and Berisha, there is also a pokitikan who has not moved a step back from his principles but is also fighting with the alternative of having behind him a static mass who believe in his political theses.
Lulzim Basha is the only politician who has never surrendered, has not withdrawn from his battle even though he has everyone against him, from Rama-Berisha to the oligarchs and the media. But above all, he has not given up on the principles that brought about the great schism within the largest opposition party. In fact, he is the only politician of the opposition, who has since 1 year ago a political program, built by the best Albanian experts on how to "heal" the wounds of the Albanian system, which are bleeding from corruption. He is the only politician who, through the amendments he submits to the parliament and which are overthrown by Rama, demands the strengthening of SPAK and BKH in order to strengthen justice, but also to have no more untouchables in this country. He is the only politician who announced the union of Rama with Berisha to amnesty the corrupt convicted by SPAK and GJKKO as well as the agreement on the electoral code for closed lists.
That's why, regardless, they dance, sing, have dinner together to divide the land and wealth of the Albanians among themselves, and on the day they are declared sworn enemies; one thing is certain that no one can escape from what awaits them from justice.
But SPAK cannot be left alone by society, society itself must react by voting for alternatives and people who are not afraid of justice and have the political will to strengthen justice and free this system captured by the old political, oligarchic class criminal.
As Abraham Lincoln said; "The best way to predict the future is to create it" a future which already requires a political face that is human and civic.