Isa Mustafa: If Serbs are not integrated into institutions, they risk being organized like in Banjska, not only in the north

While Kosovo is facing difficulties in consolidating itself and putting an end to the problems it has been burdened with, such as the dialogue with Serbia, there is no shortage of warnings about security risks that could threaten the state.
Historian Oliver Schmit, in a recent interview, said that Kosovo is one of the most endangered countries.
Academic Isa Mustafa, in an interview with the Express Newspaper, says that as long as NATO is in Kosovo through KFOR soldiers and especially American soldiers, there is no danger from Serbia.
Speaking about Kosovo Serbs, Mustafa says that if they are not integrated into Kosovo institutions, the permanent risk of their organization in the north of the country, similar to what happened in Banjska, with the support and encouragement of Serbia, must be considered.
"However, if we fail to integrate Serbs into institutions, we must reckon with the permanent risk of their organization in the north of the country and not only in the north, as happened in Banjska, with the support and encouragement of Serbia."
"Serbs must accept Kosovo's institutions as their own and not just formally be in Parliament, in the Government and at the head of a large number of municipalities, but actually be dictated to by the Serbian government," Isa Mustafa told Gazeta Express.
Another serious threat that could threaten Kosovo in the future, according to Mustafa, is the withdrawal of US troops from Kosovo. He says that there have been warnings about this since 2020, if Kosovo does not show interest in peace and stability.

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