"Time proved Basha right", Pampuri: Euro-Atlantic Coalition alternative to change, Albanians do not accept the recycling of transition!

Invited to Top Channel, MP and Euro-Atlantic Coalition candidate for Tirana, Orjola Pampuri, emphasized that the May 11 elections are an opportunity for Albanians to separate truth from propaganda and choose a new vision for the country.
She noted that the Euro-Atlantic Coalition has entered the race with a concrete program and figures of high integrity, coming from the academic and professional worlds and with a prominent contribution to society. “People are tired of the same politics that has repeated empty promises for 30 years. They want concrete solutions, no more fairy tales and deceptions,” said Pampuri.
According to her, Lulzim Basha has won a great battle with the truth, as his warning about the “Bermuda Triangle” has been proven correct. “Today, all those he warned are under investigation for corruption. This clearly shows who is fighting for the future and who is hostage to the past.”
Commenting on the results of the 2021 elections, Pampuri emphasized that Basha has maintained one of the opposition's historic results, in the face of a state machine that had distorted the will of the citizens. She added that the Euro-Atlantic Coalition is the only one entering these elections with an open list, giving citizens the opportunity to truly choose their representatives.
"On May 11, Albanians will choose between an Albania that remains hostage to corruption and a free Albania, which gives citizens the right to decide for themselves about their future," concluded Pampuri.
Excerpt from Pampur's interview:
With an excellent program, with figures of very high integrity, good professionals, with an excellent background of each one. I believe that Albanians will finally know how to make a difference. I have had meetings throughout this period in the field and I am convinced, from all the conversations I have had with people, everyone no longer loves, has boycotted the figures they are tired of. Figures who have told the same stories for 30 years and have left them in a place of numbers. People today want concrete things.
Mr. Basha was the winner in 2021. Mr. Basha has won a very big battle, which is the battle with the truth. Three years ago or two and a half years, Mr. Basha came to parliament and said "The Bermuda Triangle". A quarter laughed, a quarter didn't believe it, but today everything turns out to be true. So those who are under investigation for corruption today, who are those mentioned by Mr. Basha, the mayor, to the current leader of the Democratic Party, to the leader of the Freedom Party. All those whom Basha mentioned, you have today under investigation for corruption. So, Mr. Basha has won a very big battle with the truth. That battle that Albanians want today, Albanians today want the truth, they no longer want lies, fairy tales that kept them in transition for 34 years. This is what we are facing head-on in this electoral campaign and this makes Basha, safe, free and calm, to campaign in a battle with the truth.
He won the battles without any kind of "armament", without municipalities, without any kind, as if we were not even involved in the municipal elections, not because of Lulzim Basha, because whoever says this is lying openly, because we were all at the meeting and we know very well who was giving the orders, but this is old history. Also because of the burning of mandates and so on. But let's be here, in 2021 we had a very close result in the face of a vote-discarding machine like Edi Rama. And they are called won, because of the electoral code we could not. Lulzim Basha has maintained one of the historic results of the Democratic Party, this is a fact.

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