Parliament begins/ Spiropali congratulates Kosovo on its 17th anniversary of independence: We are two flags, but one nation and one language

Assembly Speaker Elisa Spiropali began the plenary session with congratulations on the 17th anniversary of Kosovo's independence.
" Today is a big day. Today is a historic day, for Kosovo, Albania and the Albanian nation."
Before we begin with the agenda, today, on the 17th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, which has gone down in history as Kosovo's Independence Day, I invite you, from this hall, we, the deputies of the Albanian Parliament, to convey our fraternal congratulations with a round of applause to the people, the Parliament, and the institutions of Kosovo.
Today is both November 1912 and February 17, 2008, in the Republic of Kosovo.
It is the great weather that made Kosovo free, independent, and added a new flag to Europe's family.
Never before have these two dates together marked a greater event, and have they not begun a new era for Albanians, leading them towards freedom, independence, and the determination to write our own common modern history.
Allow me, on behalf of the Assembly of Albania, to convey together the most fraternal congratulations to every citizen of the Republic of Kosovo, to the martyrs and thinkers and all their endless sacrifices that made possible the conception of the great dream of freedom and historical justice.
17 years ago, in the Assembly of Kosovo, in an extraordinary session, Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi read the Declaration of Independence, as the supreme act that declared Kosovo an independent and sovereign state.
That moment that marked the triumph of the dream of a people and a nation violently divided into two parts is the first day in the history of a new geopolitical reality in the region of Europe, and also the triumph of the human right to self-determination, of the struggle for human rights, and of the rights of nations to build their own destiny.
That moment was the culmination of that unending war and the centuries-old aspirations of the Albanians of Kosovo.
Under the inspiration of President Ibrahim Rugova, the citizens of Kosovo peacefully resisted the savage disintegration of the former Yugoslavia and then responded with the war of the Kosovo Liberation Army.
Two matches with unimaginable sacrifices, on a life-or-death front, in a challenge between civilization, barbarity, and terror, at the end of the 20th century.
Endless gratitude to all the martyrs of that war, for all those lives that were cut in half in exchange for freedom.
In this unprecedented match, on the side of the people of Kosovo and the Albanians of the region, was the largest political-military alliance, which fought and won the first anti-fascist battle in Europe since the end of World War II.
In those dramatic months, Kosovo was the wounded conscience of Western civilization, which decided to respond with the force of law to the blind force of the bloody Belgrade regime.
Endless gratitude to the United States of America, Great Britain, the EU, NATO and all other friendly countries that made Kosovo's freedom possible.
Today, the Republic of Kosovo and Albania are two halves of the same aspiration, to soon become part of the European Union.
There are two flags, but one nation and one language.
We remember where we came from, we know where we are going!
We, in the Assembly of Albania, look forward to continuing the uninterrupted, vital and strategic cooperation with the new institutions of the Republic of Kosovo that will emerge from the February 9 elections, while respecting and honoring the free expression of the will and vote of the citizens of Kosovo.
We support and are an integral part of the efforts of the leaders, institutions and citizens of Kosovo for development, progress and well-being, for the consolidation of democratic values and standards, Euro-Atlantic integration and the admission of the Republic of Kosovo to international organizations, as the only way to guarantee peace and security in the region and beyond.
"May God bless freedom, may God bless Kosovo, Albania and all Albanians everywhere in the world ," Spiroapli said.

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