Veliaj in prison/ The new mayor appointed to the Municipality of Tirana: The surprise blow…

This evening, a ceremony organized by the Municipality of Tirana is being held at the Brigades Palace on the occasion of the 105th anniversary of the proclamation of Tirana as the Capital of Albania.
During her speech at this ceremony, the Deputy Mayor, Anuela Ristani, now in command of the municipality after the arrest of Erion Veliaj, also spoke.
She said that in the last 24 hours it seems like they are in a bad dream and that they will regain the lost rhythm and the surprise blow "will not confuse us."
"None of us would have thought that the five of us would be here on the podium. In more than a decade of daily work, what has united us and what we have left behind does not match the image shot in the last 24 hours. It seems to us as if we are in a bad dream from that hall where yesterday we made jokes, passed information. Tirana is bigger than us and our work. Whatever we do and who we are, the work remains behind.
In the end, the truth comes to light. Our task today as the municipality of Tirana, which shares and has shared the mission and vision of this team, is to make Tirana shine and strong. The Prime Minister has been with us throughout these difficult hours and we thank him. We will regain the lost rhythm and the surprise blow will not confuse us", she said.

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