Berisha with Himara raised the ball to Rama to expose himself as a great patriot, ready to sell the country for his trouble

" I sell my mind for a Greek visa ", - was more or less the subtitle of an installation insulting Albanians by Edi Rama in his youth. Berisha has reached this state today.
In Himara, he lost much more than the elections. Forced to sell Himara to the radical chauvinist circles, with the desperate hope that this way he would be able to open a channel of diplomatic communication that would be able to break the international isolation a little, he showed the Albanians that, for his own trouble, he is ready to sell country, party, face, soul, everything.
Under these conditions, he is able to make a pact with the devil himself, Rama indeed.
The Beleri saga ended in disgrace on Sunday with the spectacular failure of Gjikuria and the squeals of vote theft.
But what resulted above all in these elections is the fact that, in the face of a government that is robbing land and concreting the coast while biting the entire south, Berisha offers as an alternative exponents of an anti-Albanian policy that poses with flags of the Eastern Empire and nurtures idiotic aspirations of territorial divisions , where lands are bitten by other countries, in this case Greece.
Among other things, Berisha raised the ball to Rama to expose himself as a great patriot and indomitable fighter in defense of the country from Greek chauvinist politics.
Berisha thus helped the Greek chauvinist circles to factor their evil policies and Rama to manipulate his image crippled by scandals and deep popular discontent.
By killing every alternative, Berisha continues to become a source of survival for a government that would have fallen in time, nose to mouth, under the weight of its own atrocities.

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