Berisha speaks about the closure of "Voice of America": Closing VOA is not an act of censorship

Leader of the Democratic Party Sali Berisha emphasized that today's protest was an extraordinary manifestation, adding that Edi Rama received the final punishment today.
" It was an extraordinary manifestation of young girls and boys against censorship for freedom of speech and thought. You heard their words, words that came from their free spirit, that came from their youthful hearts.
Edi Rama received his final punishment today. Today he was branded as a fierce enemy not only of TikTok, but a fierce enemy of freedom, a fierce enemy of Albanian youth.
He was definitively branded as the son of his father, who 37 years ago ordered the hanging of the poet Havzi Nela. So, Edi Rama today received the greatest, most deserved punishment. All the young people told him.
"I have never heard such beautiful speeches, speeches with such deep meaning, speeches with such passion as I heard today in this square. It was their day, it was their speech and I was amazed by the words they delivered ," Berisha said.
Asked by "Ora News" journalist Isa Myzyraj, Berisha stated that the closure of Voice of America was not an act of censorship, it is a public entity.
"My comment is this, during President Donald Trump's first term, regardless of what the propaganda against him says, not a single journalist has been punished. I have followed him because I have an indicator.
And the second, the most beautiful speech he gave, was about censorship, the guarantees he gave that there will be no censorship in the US. In this context, the closure of the Voice of America is a matter of global geopolitics.
So, they consider that the colossal expenses incurred with this radio are to limit or avoid a propaganda that the current administration and Mrs. Lake considered excessive. So this has nothing to do with censorship.
It is a public entity. Tomorrow it may be decided to close down the state television, but if private televisions have all the space, Albanians do not suffer any censorship.
"In this regard, I can say that the closure of Voice of America was an act of anti-censorship," said Sali Berisha.

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