Ilda Dhori: I withdraw from the May 11th open list race, disappointment

Democratic Party MP Ilda Dhori announced her withdrawal from the race for MP in the May 11 elections through a Facebook status.
She says she felt disappointed by the selection and the fact that she did not see herself on the closed list, and that under these conditions she decided not to be part of the open list competition.
Full post
Today, with the publicization of the lists for DP deputies, I have only one word that can describe the feeling of these hours: DISAPPOINTMENT!
Disappointment for NOT representing Divjaka as part of the closed list, while "TWO candidates from one neighborhood" are placed in the same position....
Disappointment for NOT representing women from the DP, while there were more "seats" than ever...
Disappointment for NOT representing the Orthodox Community in the Fier Region, characteristic of the non-winning lists of the DP in this region, since Fier has the largest number of this community in Albania!
For the sake of the obligation I have towards those people, thousands who have trusted me and who want to trust me to represent them in Parliament, and in the conditions when the latter is dictated not by the meritocratic vote of each candidate, but by "bargains under the rug", I have decided with full conscience to withdraw from the race for Deputy on the open list of the DP!
It is the fairest decision I can make in the conditions of the lack of consideration and disrespect that is being shown not to me personally, but to DIVJAKE and its working people, who have shown the highest civic values in these four years, in defense of just causes and values!
Was appointed to the open list in Fier, Ori Nebiaj withdraws
March 12, 22:15 -
Open list/ DP names emerge in Durrës and Berat
March 12, 22:09

Magnificent Albania or Bazaar Albania!

Albanians must overcome the old Rama-Berisha polarization on May 11
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