Who are the 5 oppositionists joining the SP! Braimllari on the open list in Tirana, Nusret Avdulla in Fier! Former DP official on the safe list

After the presentation of the Socialist Party's lists, among the expected and surprise names, it is seen that among the candidates for the districts from the pink seat, there are also five well-known names from the opposition.
The Tirana list includes the former Secretary General of the Freedom Party Endrit Brahimllari, known as one of its most active figures. Brahimllari was a senior official of the party that was led at the time by MP Monika Kryemadhi. Brahmllari was recently excluded from the reorganization that Freedom Party Chairman Ilir Meta carried out before being arrested by SPAK.
Another name in Tirana from the opposition is Blendi Sulaj, who has held the position of Vice-Chairman of the Republican Party led by Fatmir Mediu.
Another name that caught attention on the Socialist Party lists is the well-known former MP from Kukës, Albana Zeneli. Zeneli was an MP in the 2013-2017 legislature and was then one of the MPs who refused to burn their mandates in 2019 after the decision of the then-president Lulzim Basha. According to Shalsi, Zeneli has joined Kukës as a traditional political force in the area.
It seems that the Socialist Party has not only received former functionaries from the DP and PR, but also from the PDIU led by Shpëtim Idrizi, where the latter has joined Berisha's 'Grand Coalition' for the May 11 elections. This is Nusret Avdulla, who is running on the open list of Fier. Avdulla led the Fier branch of the PDIU and was a deputy after the 2021 elections for the Fier District from the list of the DP, which at that time was led by Basha
Zamira Sina, a member of the Democratic Party, is also a candidate for MP on the closed list of Vlora.

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