Luan Baçi: We have nothing to do with these leaders, let's get Berisha out of emergency arrest!

2024-08-06 20:31:01 / POLITIKË ALFA PRESS

Luan Baçi: We have nothing to do with these leaders, let's get
The deputy of the Democratic Party, Luan Baçi, revealed in the "Ditar" studio on A2 CNN, the strategy that the opposition will follow after losing the partial elections for the municipality of Himara.

According to him, the action will be built on the request for a technical government since the 2025 elections cannot take place with Edi Rama as prime minister, as Himara proved that the socialists stole the votes.

" After the elections of the municipality of Himara, after their robbery, another example that we must remind everyone that with such a prime minister free and fair elections cannot be held and we cannot guarantee the victory of the democrats. let's not deceive them. Not without purpose, DP and the president Berisha have articulated in every appearance that without a technical government there can be no free elections and this will be one of the main conditions that the opposition will have and should have. With the month of September, DP will gather its structures, will analyze the internal situation of DP in all sections, group sections and up to the heads of branches and the Presidency. We will have our own plan to face this regime."

The second condition of the democrats will be the release of their president, Sali Berisha, so that he can be active in the meetings on the ground, since the preparation for the electoral campaign also begins.

" In addition to the technical government, the other condition and the other action of the opposition, our main goal should be the release of the DP chairman and his appearance in the field ."

Baçi expressed reservations about the work done by his colleagues in leadership roles in DP, stressing that Berisha has the ability to create spirit among the opposition people.

The democratic deputy underlined that the limited information due to "house arrest" prevents Berisha from leading the party in its challenges.

" All these gaps that have been created are the incompetence of DP leaders in the absence of the president. To the DP leaders, I include myself here. Berisha has no physical possibilities, being isolated in his own apartment. His contact is only through conversations , media and night meetings there, but even if he has this opportunity 100% The physical contact and the appearance in the field of the chairman of the DP cannot be equated with the appearance in the field of two, three, five, or ten. leaders of the DP below the level of the chairman."