Nikoll Lesi appeals to Berisha: You turned the PD into the gas of the world, now leave as soon as possible because you can never defeat Rama

2023-09-25 12:18:58 / POLITIKË ALFA PRESS

Nikoll Lesi appeals to Berisha: You turned the PD into the gas of the world, now
Nikol Lesi writes that after the defeat in Kukes, after the sexual scandal of Safet Gjic, Sali Berisha should leave, as he can never beat Edi Rama.

"The opposition, but mainly the PD, is in its darkest days of its history. Quarrels, fights with each other, trials, bullying; in short, they have become the gas of the world and are shaming every democrat who has sacrificed in these 32 years.

We are not analyzing the fault of Sali Berisha or Lulzim Basha, since Saliu has the majority of the Democrats, but this is not enough to overthrow Edi Rama.

On May 14, Berisha got a disastrous result in the municipalities of the country. Of course, they fought and killed him with the seal and name of the DP, but when you create trust and hope, people will come after you even without a sign. The name Sali Berisha is enough to fill the ballot box, but the voters no longer have faith that Berisha will return them to power, so they go after the power of Prime Minister Rama. Or they don't vote at all.

The last chance for Berisha was the early elections in Kukës, a historical democratic stronghold and after a sex scandal, where socialists would have a hard time campaigning. But unfortunately for the opposition, for democracy, Berisha still lost the elections, as seems to be the trend in Kukës at the moment. Aqsa also brought Prime Minister Rama to write on Facebook, even before the counting was finished.

Ja se çfarë shkruan Edi Rama: “Kur janë numëruar pak më shumë se gjysma e kutive të votimit, kandidati i Partisë Socialiste për Bashkinë e Kukësit ka një avantazh të pakthyeshëm prej thuajse 3000 votash, i cili do të thellohet ende deri në kurorëzimin e një fitoreje shembullore, që flet qartë për besimin dhe për pritshmërinë e qytetarëve kuksianë ndaj nesh, si edhe për detyrimin tonë të madh ndaj tyre, për të bërë shumë më shumë akoma për Kukësin”, u shpreh Rama.

Me Kukësin, Sali Berisha, humbi çdo të drejtë për drejtimin e opozitës. Ai më mirë ti përkasë historisë, sepse ka bërë histori, dhe të mos mbetet monopatëve të politikës duke u tërhequr zvarrë nga Edi Rama dhe Lulzim Basha. Ai duhet në opozitë, por jo si drejtues. Berisha ka fuqi elektorale, por jo sa të rrëzojë Edi Ramën.

Berisha has the chance to leave without shame from direct politics, finding forms for another union of democrats and a new leader in the real PD", he writes in his newspaper.

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