Veliaj distributed citizens' money to buy artists, Demo: Artists wanted to be corrupted!

Culture journalist Elsa Demo was invited to the show "The Unexposed" on MCN TV, where she spoke about Erion Veliaj's purchase of artists, paying them with expensive projects from citizens' taxes, without procedure or merit, but simply to get back their "licking". Demo also focused on the Veliaj dossier and the artists' connections with Ajola Xoxa's Harabel.
"It was very important, that by taking a few examples, that in terms of financial value were not bombastic like the case of Driant Zelenli, it was important to prove the other side, that he did not benefit from financial sums but from a career.
Driant Zeneli is the executive director of the Harabel Center, the parent center from which the other centers emerged. His case was important to say how far we have come. He represented Albania at the Venice Biennale without competition. Ajola Xoxa almost found the nest of corruption in this person. Ajola did not corrupt everyone, they were eager to be corrupted.
"The case of Driant Zeneli is important to understand that making a career in a poor country like Albania is not based on merit... The second case is Ergys Krisiko, who issues invoices as a natural person. He is an artist, a teacher. His case is flagrant, Veliaj gave him 63 million old lek for a work of art," Demo said.
Demo said that the money the Municipality has spent has gone mainly to mass activities and not to quality culture.
"I must remember the report that SPAK issued in 2021, make no mistake, which for the period 2016-2020, had given 12 billion old lek, which includes payments in the culture and sports sector. Among them are a multitude of artists, we are calling them artists by convention. We are calling them that, because they are not actually like that. This list reveals many people from the spectrum of concerts, mass activities, not qualitative culture. Veliaj has learned this.
He has been so humble that even in cases where he has financed quality art, Basha himself has fallen into a banality of making art, to produce five shows a year, it is impossible...", said Demo, among other things.
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