Arben Malaj lashes out at Rama: You have a signature suit stained by greed

Former Finance Minister Arben Malaj has lashed out at Prime Minister Edi Rama, criticizing him for several of his decisions and positions, which, according to the former Finance Minister, have created the current situation in the Socialist Party.
Malaj stated this evening that Rama has removed from the ranks of the Socialist Party figures of weight and integrity, who, according to him, should have been preserved and integrated with the new arrivals.
" If you look at the world, generations are harmonized. Where the SP and the DP have some figures, some icons that amortize internal developments or facilitate major national agreements. That is, Arta Dade is still young and was a personality of the SP. Ermelinda Meksi was a talented economist with integrity. Valentina Leskaj has an extraordinary national network. They could be harmonized and the SP has always had 65-75 deputies. There was room to regenerate with 1/3 of them and there was room to create figures as well ," said Malaj.
As if to ironize the socialist parliamentary group, Malaj added the expression: " It's like housework! The house takes the breath of the owner of the house ."
The former Minister of Finance also faced a series of criticisms for the unbridled luxury in which, according to him, the Rama government is navigating.
" I say with conviction that it is better to have an old jacket than a signature suit stained by greed and insatiability. It is better to eat dry bread than to eat a $1,000 steak. It is better to drink apple juice in Vermosh than to drink a 33,000 euro bottle of wine. So there are critical elements that have nothing to do with the individual, it has to do with those who are within a political force and have a responsibility to the public ," Malaj declared on A2 CNN.
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