The decision of the Appeal for Malltez/ Lapardhaja ironizes: If Edi Rama caught the justice, he took Berisha and his whole family hostage.
The decision of the Court of Appeal, which leaves Sali Berisha's son-in-law under house arrest, was commented on in a post on the Facebook social network by journalist Namir Lapardhaja.
Lapardhaja states that the decisions of the Appeal are indisputable, but the same standard must be followed by Berisha in other cases, as in the case of Zhukri and his overthrow by the Court of Appeal, which invalidates every decision and action of the Reestablishment.
"The appeal is higher than the First Level, even when it comes to Malltez, which leaves him under house arrest, even when it comes to Zhukri's decision, which throws him in the trash can and nullifies everything that Reestablishment has legally undertaken." - he writes.
"With today's decision," Lapardhaja continued, "Berisha's "scheme" that the Court is at the service of Edi Rama is broken... So, it was not... Or it is at the service of Rama and Rama is serving you. the next, amnestying the groom, because he needs you in the game to point the finger at you. So I've taken you hostage as a family."
Full post by journalist Namir Lapardhaja:
" Court decisions are not discussed.
Even more so when it comes to decisions of the Court of Appeal.
This applies in all cases and not according to political, momentary and personal interest. The prosecution raises charges, the lawyer defends the accused, the court confirms or rejects them. The court is over the parties and not with the parties.
This proves that there is no political attack from the system, but there is an investigation that can be finalized, but it can also be dropped.
This is the good of democracy, as opposed to dictatorship.
What is unacceptable is to attack the prosecutor's office and the court morning and night, to blackmail prosecutors and judges, hiding behind party symbols and behind militants, turning the headquarters into a bunker from where you release a barrage of slander and insults every day, without stopped and without any scruple.
Or to hide from the decision by not appearing in Court, but by going and setting fire to the Parliament, with the hope that the fire will burn the charge of the Special Prosecutor's Office.
The appeal is higher than the First Level, even when it comes to Malltez, which leaves him under house arrest, and even when it comes to Zhukri's decision, which throws him in the trash can and nullifies everything legally undertaken by Reestablishment.
That today's decision destroys Berisha's "scheme" that the Court is at the service of Edi Rama.
Well, that's it.
Or he is in the service of Rama and Rama is doing you the next service, by amnestying your son-in-law, because he needs you in the game to point the finger at you. So I took you hostage as a family.
None of the Appellate magistrates who have done schoolwork would allow themselves to be misused by politics.
Especially after the Justice Reform that they have more independence and better economic conditions.
Therefore, every attack that Sali Berisha launches on a daily basis against the justice system should be used against him in court."
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