Mashed potatoes and homemade meatballs

Mashed potatoes are one of the most delicious foods for children and adults.
Not only is it easy to cook with few ingredients, but it is a good companion to many healthy foods.
The creamy mash is prepared with boiled potatoes, salt, butter or even milk and goes well with homemade meatballs.
In some cases, housewives also use baby cheese to give the puree softness, crumbliness and good taste.
Alfapress.al suggests below the recipe for preparing puree and homemade meatballs.
(Ingredients below are for 4-5 people)
For the puree
6 Round potatoes
4 tablespoons of fresh butter (for a healthier food instead of butter AgroWeb.org suggests you use olive oil)
Quarter glass of milk
For the meatballs
300-400 g of minced meat
1-2 onions
6-7 cloves of garlic 2 slices
of bread 1
4-5 tablespoons of flour for the meatballs
Preparation of Puree
In a large pot filled with water, add two tablespoons of salt.
Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into pieces.
Keep them in cold water until you are ready to boil them.
Once the water is boiling, add the potatoes to the pot and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes.
Check if they are cooked and then remove from heat.
In another pot, heat the milk and butter until steaming.
Drain the potatoes and put them back in the pot to dry.
Then press them slowly and steadily until you get a thick creamy mass.
Then slowly pour in the warmed milk with butter and mix with a wooden spoon.
Taste the puree for salt and season as desired. At this point the puree is soft but grainy and has not yet acquired the creaminess of traditional puree.
The flavor and aroma of the butter should complement that of the potato but not overpower it.
Continue to mix with the spoon and press each grain against the sides of the bowl, ensuring an even mixture of it.
If you want the puree thin or liquid, you can add more milk.
But if you feel that the mash has reached the desired thickness, then stop immediately because the potatoes stick together quickly.
If you are not going to serve the puree, then pour butter on its surface and keep it wrapped in a warm place.
The mash stays warm for at least 30 minutes.
Another alternative is to put it in a pot filled with a little boiling water.
For the preparation of meatballs
In a large bowl, combine the minced meat with the egg, bread porridge with water or milk, salt, pepper, finely chopped onions and garlic, flour and mix well until the mixture is homogeneous.
Divide the meatballs into round shapes the size of a walnut. Dip them in flour, fry them and finally serve them with mashed potatoes.
Nutritional values of mashed potatoes
The nutritional values of mashed potatoes depend on the selected ingredients.
One serving of puree made with milk and butter provides 240 calories, 4 grams of protein, 9 grams of fat, 35 grams of carbohydrates, 12.5 milligrams of vitamin C and 600 milligrams of potassium.
If you prepare mashed potatoes and cauliflower, you can get more vitamins and minerals and fewer calories./ Alfapress.al

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