Scientists discovered in Spain the oldest shoes in Europe

2023-09-29 21:21:46 / TRENDING ALFA PRESS

Scientists discovered in Spain the oldest shoes in Europe

Women's sandals made of grass, about six thousand years old, have been discovered in a bat cave in Spain.

In addition to the shoes, the researchers were surprised to find other objects in the cave, which were looted by miners in the 19th century and were found in good condition.

Women's sandals are the oldest footwear in the world, according to scientists who put the objects they discovered under the microscope. As the BBC reports, the low humidity and cool winds inside the cave have kept them in remarkably good condition.

The scientists also analyzed various baskets and tools.

"These objects are the oldest and best preserved plant fiber materials in southern Europe that we know so far," said one of the two leaders of the study, Maria Herrero Otal.

"The technological diversity and processing of raw materials recorded highlights the skills of prehistoric communities," she added.

Based on the advanced technology used by the researchers, they concluded that the collection of 76 objects found in the cave was about 2,000 years older than previously thought.

In fact, some artifacts date back 9,000 years.

The women's sandals, which were put under the microscope, were made of different types of grass, which was evident in their texture, the researchers said, noting that materials such as leather and lime were used to make them. .

Ato datojnë në periudhën e neolitit dhe zënë lehtësisht vendin e parë në listën e këpucëve më të vjetra në të gjitha gjatësitë dhe gjerësinë e tokës.

Më pas janë këpucët prej lëkure 5500-vjeçare që u zbuluan në një shpellë në Armeni në vitin 2008.

Artikulli në faqen e rrjetit britanik shkruan në mënyrë karakteristike se shpella ku u gjetën sandalet 6000-vjeçare ishte “Cueva de los Murciélagos” (shpella e lakuriqëve), në Andaluzi, në Spanjën jugperëndimore.

Bazuar në gjetjet e shkencëtarëve, në vitin 1831 një pronar toke u angazhua për herë të parë me shpellën kur mblodhi bajgat e lakuriqëve të natës, të cilat përdoreshin për të bërë plehra.

Over a period of about 20 years, miners excavating the cave discovered a gallery containing, among other things, partially mummified corpses, baskets, wooden tools, a gold diadem and wild boar teeth.



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