They were robbing pharmacies, 3 Albanian thieves were arrested in Italy

2024-10-09 18:45:04 / AKTUALITET ALFA PRESS

They were robbing pharmacies, 3 Albanian thieves were arrested in Italy

In the night between Tuesday 8 October and Wednesday 9, the pharmacy in Piazza Marinai d'Italia in Oltreponte was attacked, followed by two attempts at pharmacies in Balzola and Morano.

The Italian police, after being put in motion, arrested 3 Albanian citizens.

Their first robbery was successful in Oltreponte with a loot that should have been around 5 thousand euros.

Then the second attempt in Balzola failed due to the presence of the owner. Even the third one failed, after the police intervened and arrested them.

The three Albanians, with special precedents, were sent to Vercelli prison in the late hours of the morning.