Who cleaned the money of Chopja? SPAK found €1 million buried in the yard of Hajdar Bako's apartment

2024-08-06 20:41:00 / AKTUALITET ALFA PRESS

Who cleaned the money of Chopja? SPAK found €1 million buried in the yard
The amount of over 1 million euros seized by SPAK during the "Gordonët" operation developed on July 29, is said to have been found in Hajdar Bako's apartment.

The amount of euros was buried in the backyard of Bako's house, but during the checks by the police officers, various banknotes were discovered that were hidden in the backyard.

The entire amount of money belonging to different currencies is closed in a bank account administered by SPAK.

Meanwhile, SPAK prosecutors who are investigating the proceedings No. 75, claim that through the conversations of "SKY" they have revealed the line of money transfer from several foreign countries to Albania.

Such a thing was done through a currency exchange point (Exchange), which is administered by Maklen Mici and Bashkim Lika, both under investigation by SPAK for the charge of "Cleaning the proceeds of a criminal offense".

This currency exchange point, since September 13, 2007, is located on the street "4 kvarati" in front of the Bank of Albania in Tirana, where 60 percent of the shares are owned by Bashkim Lika and 40 percent of its ownership is owned by Maklen Mici.

On March 24, 2023, these names opened a construction company called "B&M CONSTRUCTION", aiming to build residential buildings in the capital.

According to SPAK, by conducting intensive investigations, interesting data were obtained regarding the assets, investments and assets of the two brothers in Albania, the forms used by them as well as the persons involved in the process of cleaning the proceeds of the criminal offense or criminal activity.

"...the use of the construction sector by criminal organizations is evidenced, where, through third parties, it has injected and invested significant amounts of cash for the realization of works on residential buildings in the construction process, as well as in the construction of residential buildings/complexes from the beginning... "- it is said in the announcement of the SPAK special prosecutor's office.

SPAK further states in its announcement that the criminal organization has invested in the opening of economic operators as well as the use of existing economic operators active in Albania, which "de jure" have been registered in the name of their social, friendly and cooperative ties, not exposing the "de facto" owners and their use as a camouflage/concealment of the true nature of the source and activity, in order to launder money derived from criminal activity.

Also, it is evident that, on repeated occasions, Franc Çopja has carried out the transfer of significant monetary values ​​in cash through the use of foreign exchange offices (Exchange) inside and outside the country, sending them to his trusted persons on purpose, among others making payments for commissioned murders as well as making investments on their behalf in Albania and abroad./ Ora News