The Rama-Berisha floors have the hypotenuse of deception!

The pseudo-duel between Rama and Berisha has occupied not only screens and portals but also luxury halls and hotels in the country and in the world.
A manifestation that is not at all dignified and electoral, but an aggressive demonstration of force to stifle and limit the true programmatic voices that have something to offer Albanian voters.
In fact, this aggression that is floating in abundance is not only evidence of what they really are, but also confirms the national and international observation that these two parties and their leaders are invariably incorporated with crime and corruption.
It is enough to look at their electoral lists, especially those of the closed zone, the security zone, and to freely conclude that actual crime and corruption, also proven by the organs of the Special Prosecutor's Office, is their fundamental part.
Without a program and without ideas, with only stolen pieces here and there, with imaginary photographs and passports "made in EU", they parade in halls and squares thinking that this people has been injected with the memory erasure vaccine.
The latest report of the US State Department dismantled all the false Rama-Berisha propaganda and reconfirmed what the Euro-Atlantic democrats consider non-negotiable:
The stance and work of SPAK!
I am sure that May 11 will be surprising since we are the last in the region and continent that have not yet separated from the old establishment.
Like any old thing that rusts and becomes dangerous for human health, the old Albanian politics and its leadership have become a potential danger to the health of democracy.
Even Edi Rama's stale jokes, which were shaken like a gypsy tambourine in campaigns instead of electoral programs, had a fiery confrontation with the leader of the Euro-Atlantic coalition, Lulzim Basha, and shrank into worthless and humorless jokes that do not even compete with provincial humor.
On this threshold of the beginning of the first quarter of the third millennium, such political scum as Rama and Berisha can only serve as political corpses where generations learn how a leader should not be.
There is no Albanian who wants to approach post-communist political history with realism who does not understand that the hypotenuse of the two floors Rama-Berisha is a fraud.


Rama-Basha dhe evolucioni i të bërit politikë!

The Rama-Berisha floors have the hypotenuse of deception!
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