Answer to the "sovereignist" Ilir Metaj, resident of Cell No. 6!

Two days ago, the former President of the Republic, Ilir Metaj, handcuffed by SPAK and GJKKO on suspicion of the crime of corruption, concealment and non-declaration of income and money laundering, made a statement from his Facebook account, which spread widely also from social media.
Despite the false camouflage of the supposed 5 priorities, his focus was the Euro-Atlantic centrist democrats and although nameless, I was personally attacked.
There were two clear lines of Metaj's attack on me, and I find it appropriate, I answer you publicly.
-He calls me a late Euro-Atlanticist.
I tell the master of cell no. 5, that Euro-Atlanticism is never late, it is an individual spirit and principle that makes me proud, just as I am proud to be a democrat and an Albanian.
You late "sovereignist" better answer what you have to do with the Serbian-Slavic company "Serbian Airline" when you were the foreign minister and that's where your "sovereignty" and "patriotism" end!
You tell me that my boss is Edi Rama!
No, sir:
I own Albania, the Motherland, the Nation, and for my patriotic activity, Moscow has reacted, where do you hope,
Mr. resident of cell 5!
I believe that you have not forgotten the eels that you turned into needles against the Democrats!
Did you govern with Mr. Rama and this government baptized Tadic?!
Did you become president with Rama's blessing?!
You say that you were imprisoned because of your patriotism and nationalism. But the truth is different because everyone knows that you support Fredi Blair, a man who has violated national symbols and is part of the Golden Dawn, whose platform is the Hellenization and the association of the South of Albania with "self-determination".
You stated that you were born in Skrapar, but you will die in Himare!
What will you die for, Mr. Metaj?!
For the Hellenization of Himara, the core of Labëria!
Master of Cell 5!
Did you first meet Mickovski in Ohrid and congratulate him on the victory, but "forget" as a "sovereignist" the open war against the national symbols of the Albanians in their ethnic lands in North Macedonia.
Lord Metaj!
- You call me a Spakist, ironically, my support and that of the Euro-Atlantic democrats led by Lulzim Basha, to this constitutional institution of new justice, which is installing the force of the law and demolishing the myth of impunity,
We continue to support without any doubt for the attack on organized crime, major corruption to overthrow the oligarchic-kleptocratic, kakistocratic regime, to end the mobocracy that has ruled over three decades.
Lord Metaj!
You, as a pathological liar without any humane or political principles, try to demolish and atrophy the truth about the photo with the Chinese company that was accompanied by the former head of counterintelligence of the FBI-Mark Rossini.
It is difficult to the point of impossibility to be able to pass this event, after ensuring that the intelligence chief service of the globe does not have everything clear and protocol down to the tea that was served to you in NY, and the people who accompanied and contacted you.
Therefore, I believe that in the McGonigal case that SPAK has opened, there will also be a faction for your activity with these sponsored agents, only to conspire against PD and its leader Lulzim Basha.
That's it this time, Mr. Metaj, adding a mountaineer's advice: Don't try to hide your head like an ostrich, but come out on the carpet as you claimed with the sacks of the New Market!

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