Albania, the ship that seeks to reach shore!

The time for values has come; the time for morality and experience in leadership has come.
There are some common words, which should be more than normal, but which unfortunately are not at all normal and not at all meaningful at present, both in politics and in central and local leadership.
Because the real Albania is very different from the Albania of power!
But why can't the moral exercise of public, political, and state functions work in our country?
Do we have the people, culture, and tolerance necessary to build a modern state, capable of serving its citizens? These are questions for every responsible citizen, to understand whether it is worth raising a family and making contributions to a city or a country like ours.
In the absence of a real street revolt, intellectual media, or votes, there are many who think that it is difficult to achieve anything substantial here.
In fact, societies that have made changes in the path of goodness have not come from somewhere else, but have had the wisdom to understand their own experiences and those of others, to purify themselves and maintain a culture that sets limits to abuse, corruption of the mind and soul. This should happen with us too.
Not only with Vlora, but also with Albania. Because I am inclined not to believe that our flour is all bran. There must be capable and honest people, intellectuals, who have not yet managed to have their say at the helm of the country's affairs, have not been able to impose their system of values in the public space and local government. Not even in local politics, where it seems that the voice is more limited and imposed from the center.
Yes! I believe that the values, morality, and experience of truly dedicated people and intellectuals can bring Vlora and Albania out of the mud that has flooded them and the quagmire they have fallen into!
There are always people who time does not alienate.
But what is happening today in Albania and in Vlora? What model is being offered? What do the big parties offer, in their occult alliance? What do the other parties that have emerged recently offer?
I fear nothing, very little, or what they have always brought: arrogance, irresponsibility, lack of transparency, stealing from citizens and trampling on them, their future, the economy, well-being and prospects.
And this is unfortunate.
The SP in Vlora offers torn and destroyed "roads", the DP offers nothing, nothing in people, ideas and future, the new non-existent parties offer only populism. No program, no reform.
What about in Albania? The same thing, the same misery...
The same people for 34 years; the same language; the same hostility; the same mentality; the same mediocrity. All of this leads us towards regression and a bleak future, if we do not react when we see that governance is dictated by crime and not by civic interest, arrogance and not by the will to alleviate the troubles and concerns of our fellow citizens, where values are despised and anti-values rule.
It may seem like a slogan, but we need a new political generation. We need a new elite of the country, which believes that Albania and Albanians deserve more, a new generation in leadership capable of making a difference.
Therefore, the moral duty and the greatest victory for today's political generation is to stop the evil that has plagued the country and prepare the transition of politics into the hands of a new elite, which will take responsibility for leading the country from a new generation in politics, economy and society.
Euro-Atlantic Democrats do not want power causing drama and social costs, encouraging division and conflict among Albanians. Others are those who seek, encourage and keep alive division, hatred for the sake of personal power and troubles with Justice.

Pse Aleanca Madhështore përfundoi në Foltore 2

Political theater with the SP and DP lists

Magnificent Albania or Bazaar Albania!
Alfa recipes