The secret agreement of the DP, Mustafaraj: Gives a mandate to Doda from the PDIU, here is where Flamur Noka will compete

Journalist Juxhin Mustafaraj has revealed in Top Story the agreements in the Democratic Party, which says that Mesila Doda of the PDIU will receive a mandate from the DP, while Flkamur Noka may move from the Tirana list.
"Compared to the Socialist Party, the competition in the Democratic Party and the opposition has mainly been more focused on the closed list, because there is little room for competition in terms of open lists. Starting from the 2021 elections, the DP in this case is fighting only for three mandates on the open list, if 12 will be on the safe list. If they get the same result as in 2021, only three individuals will enter the DP lists with an open list.
There was a very big problem in Tirana regarding the drafting of the list, because the coalition with other allied parties forced Berisha to include them in the open list of Tirana. We always talk about the safe list. The first is the leadership of the Democratic Party: Sali Berisha, Edi Paloka, Flamur Noka seem to be immovable. All are on the safe list. Belind Këlliçi will be on the safe list. Meta, in the agreement reached with Berisha, will run in the Fier district and Tedi Blushi and Erisa Xhixho from the PL will be included in the safe list of Tirana. What let's say may be a novelty and next Wednesday will confirm it, the Party for Justice, Integration and Unity, contrary to what has been said so far in the media, has got two on the safe list and not Idrizi. Mesila Doda will definitely be on the Democratic Party's list, but under the proposal of the DP, while Shpëtim Idrizi will be the only one from the PDIU.
Up to Besart Xhaferri, the Democratic Party's closed list is up. If Mesila Doda stays in the Tirana district, everyone below will be on the open list. Two people who could move from the Tirana district are the DP's general secretary Flamur Noka, there could be a move of his perhaps to the Elbasan district. Jozefina Topalli has also been rumored, also in the Elbasan district, but this is also unconfirmed ," Mustafaraj said.
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