"From loans for young couples to a fivefold increase in the bonus for babies", Basha: Empowering Albanian women and families, a priority of the Euro-Atlantic Democrats' program

The Chairman of the Democratic Party-Euro-Atlantic Democrats, Lulzim Basha, during the meeting with women and girls of the capital, emphasized the commitment of the group he leads to placing the Albanian family and women at the center of future policies.
Basha stated that the Euro-Atlantic Democrats' program will create opportunities for a healthy and positive society, starting with financial support for young couples and mothers. He underlined that state-co-financed loans and credits will be offered for the purchase of homes for 30,000 young couples.
Basha also said that assistance for babies who will be born will be increased fivefold, with 20 thousand euros for the third child, as well as building bridges for young people to make the transition from university to the labor market easier. For women in entrepreneurship, he said that there will be special incentives and a complete package for women's health, addressing their needs at every stage of life.
Excerpt from Basha's speech:
In our program that we unveiled on June 1st of last year, we have placed the Albanian family in the spotlight, the Albanian woman and girl in the spotlight. Because only in this way will we be able to create the conditions for a society that is freed from depression. And to give it positive impulses that above all and more beautifully than from anyone else come from women.
From the woman in our lives, from the mother, from the wife, from the friend, from the friends, from the colleagues we have. How will we do this? Words take the wind. Our vision to empower the Albanian woman begins with the fund for the Albanian family. Because it is the blow to the Albanian woman, the blow to the Albanian family that is the worst that has plagued this country. With the fund for the Albanian family, we will enable a compassionate state aware of the importance of women to travel with every Albanian family.
Starting with young couples, with our program we guarantee 30 thousand young couples loans, loans co-financed by the state to buy or rent their first home where they can start a family. Because we know very well that many young couples cannot start a family because they have nowhere to go.
To continue with our package for children, for babies. Our commitment is that for the first two babies we will have five times what the state currently provides for babies, 2 thousand euros per baby and 20 thousand euros for the third child for each couple.
The crisis of aging in Albania is a crisis of the Albanian family that falls on the shoulders of Albanian women. After the birth of a child, it is known that there is a huge financial cost, no one cares. The state under our leadership will be by the side of the young woman, the young mother and the young Albanian children. And after that, throughout the child's journey to university. With the state lunch for all Albanian children, this is a journey with the Albanian mother.
And the most important thing that seems to only affect Albanian youth, but in fact affects every Albanian mother, is the bridge we build to university and from university to the job market with paid internships. For women in entrepreneurship, not only should the current obstacles that affect every entrepreneur not exist, but there should be special incentives.
And without a doubt, the package for the health of Albanian women, which has all the components inside, including other financial incentives during the months of pregnancy and during the first months of childbirth. Incentive packages for the health of women in every age group according to the specifications and assistance for thousands of Albanian women who cope with unspeakable sacrifices with the situation of over 50% of families living in poverty or on the verge of poverty.
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