For the first time, bookmakers list Albania in the Top 10 contenders to win Eurovision

2025-03-15 16:37:01 / AKTUALITET ALFA PRESS

For the first time, bookmakers list Albania in the Top 10 contenders to win

As all of Europe prepares for this year's Eurovision Song Contest to be held in Basel, Switzerland, Albania is seen as one of the contenders to successfully emerge from this competition.

For the first time in Eurovision history, Albania is ranked 10th by bookmakers to emerge victorious, with a 2% chance, the same as Belgium and Ukraine.

It had never happened that our country ranked so high on the list of contenders, as the song "Zjerm" by Shkodra Elektronik is liked more and more every day by fans across the continent.

The main contender is Sweden with a 24% chance of winning, followed by Austria and Israel.

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