Donald Trump will invade Mars

2025-01-21 13:56:50 / IDE NGA ERL KODRA

Donald Trump will invade Mars

Yesterday, the 47th President of the United States, Donald Trump, was sworn in. His first speech as President was not only unusual, but in a direct quote, he said that "today, January 25, 2025, is the Liberation Day of the United States." He humiliated all previous presidents - as well as former presidents who had come to the inauguration ceremony - including President Joe Biden.
The eyes of the whole world were directed to the Capitol, as they listened to the speech of the most powerful man on the planet who laid out the future of the world according to his vision.
And his vision was revealed completely differently than we are used to seeing so far.
The ceremony was also joined by the young disciples of technology; Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Sundar Pichai and Jeff Bezos. They know all the inhabitants of planet Earth, better than they know themselves. They know everything. And they all stood behind President Donald Trump.
Donald Trump's speech was as clear as sunlight; unguarded and direct. He never mentioned the continent that shaped Western civilization; he didn't say a word about Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain or Ukraine. For Donald Trump, Europe is no longer important. All of Europe, in a bloc.
Never before has Great Britain been so cruelly ignored by the President of the United States. Those who have eyes and ears to perceive reality must understand what is happening.
Even Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine was not mentioned at all by Donald Trump. Say that it is a war somewhere far away in the galaxy, and not on planet Earth.
Not a word about NATO and the Euro-Atlantic Alliance. The rest of the world disappeared from the planet last night. Only MAGA.
Just 4 days ago, Donald and Melania Trump launched their cryptocurrencies, which in a few hours amassed tens of billions of dollars in wealth for the President and First Lady of the United States. Very nice; because Donald Trump is allowed to do anything.
On the other hand, Elon Musk, during the celebrations after President Trump's inauguration, took to the stage and saluted the crowds twice like a hardened Nazi, with a "Hail". Musk knows exactly what he did and why he did it, because he is not a fool. He may deny that it was not a Nazi salute, but he knows better than anyone that in the era we live in, the image will remain and that it will do more work than thousands of written words. The masters know what they are doing.
At the time that Trump was enjoying the inauguration and talking about the conquest of the Universe by the United States, the leaders of Europe were anxiously following his speech on television.
The President of France, the Chancellor of Germany, and the Prime Minister of England had disappeared from the face of the earth. And none of them could bring themselves to say a single word. Only humility and fear.

Donald Trump will invade Mars

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