History is never forgotten/ He sacrificed himself and his family for the Independence of Kosovo, the life and exploits of the Legendary Commander, Adem Jashari!

2025-02-09 22:24:36 / KOSOVA ALFA PRESS

History is never forgotten/ He sacrificed himself and his family for the

When in Albania, November 28, in addition to being the day of the declaration of Albanian Independence, is also the birthday of the legendary commander, Adem Jashari . Alfapress.al  is bringing to your attention a brief history of his life and work.

Adem Jashari was born in the Prekaz region of Drenica in Kosovo, on November 28, 1955. He is one of the main architects of the Kosovo Liberation Army. Adem Jashari was the commander-in-chief of the KLA.

Together with his brother Hamza, Ademi participated in attacks against Serbian police-military forces. Yugoslav police forces and the Yugoslav Army attacked his house in March 1998, where Jashari heroically fell together with fifty-six members of his family. This is a unique case in the history of wars. He holds the title of “ Legendary Commander of the KLA ”. The title “ Hero of Kosovo ” was awarded to him in 2008 by the Prime Minister of Kosovo.


In 1991, Adem Jashari moved to Albania to train with the first volunteers, who later joined the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). On 28 February 1998, a group of insurgents led by Adem Jashari attacked Serbian police patrols, killing four policemen and wounding two. The Jashari family was fought by Serb forces in Kosovo in the 1990s, but this fact was kept hidden from the general public by moderate Albanian politicians and the Belgrade government as a way to preserve the status quo. The first battle between Adem and his comrades against the Yugoslav Federal Military Police Forces took place on the morning of 30 December 1991. The Jasharis' house was surrounded by a large number of Serb security forces demanding his surrender. Jashari and his friends broke the siege and later participated in several actions against the Yugoslav army and police. Adem Jashari in Prekaz was attacked again by federal police forces on January 22, 1998, but with his bravery he successfully withstood the attack.

The attack on Prekaz

In the early morning hours of 5 March 1998, Prekaz was again attacked by the Yugoslav Army and police forces. The attacking forces consisted of armoured personnel carriers and police, supported by artillery from a nearby ammunition factory. The Jashari neighbourhood was surrounded by around 7-8 thousand troops. The attack lasted three days and two nights.

The police forces began the attack without any warning. After that, the shooting began. From one house, the police fired mortars, followed by tear gas. Most of the Jasharaj family gathered in a single room, which was walled in with bricks. A shell then fell through the roof, killing a number of family members. Continuous shelling for about thirty-six hours finally enabled the police to enter the house.

The organization “Amnesty International”, in a report on the case, said that the attack was aimed at eliminating all witnesses. Adem Jashari along with fifty-six members of his family were killed. A total of fifty-eight people were killed, among them eighteen were women and ten children under the age of sixteen. On the other hand, the Serbian television “B-92” reported 69 killed members of the police and army. And some members of the Jashari family are still alive.

After death

Adem Jashari and his heroic sacrifice became a symbol of independence for the Albanians of Kosovo and for Albanians everywhere. Thus, many of them wore T-shirts with his photo after Kosovo declared its independence on Sunday, February 17, 2008. The inscription on the T-shirts was ″ Bac u kry ″, referring to the expression used during the tributes at his grave on the occasion of the declaration of independence, as the realization of the sublime goal of Adem Jashari’s entire life and work./ Alfapress.al