Meta's arrest, Kryemadhi tells how he learned the news

Monika Kryemadhi was invited for an interview on the 'Opinion' show on TV Klan this evening.
The Freedom Party MP took a trip back in time, where she recalled the day of the arrest of former President Ilir Meta.
Kryemadhi said that he initially learned of the news from a phone call from a cousin of Meta, who called him to ask if he was aware of the news that was circulating in online media.
Kryemadhi also recalls the footage of Ilir Meta's arrest, which he describes as "shocking", and the people he holds responsible for the manner of the arrest.
Blendi Fevziu: How did you find out about Meta's arrest?
Monika Kryemadhi: For the sake of truth, a cousin of Ilir Meta sent me this, is it true or not?
Blendi Fevziu: Did he send you the video or ask you?
Monika Kryemadhi: I received a notification. Of course I went out and looked somewhere in an environment where I hang out with the children we work with, we saw. While they said it was for you too, I hadn't received any news, nothing.
Blendi Fevziu: They brought you news that it was you too, right?
Monika Kryemadhi: After a couple of hours, I got a call from the OPGJ, and in the meantime the video of his kidnapping came out. For me, of course, it was shocking, but more shocking is the people who did it.
Blendi Fevziu: Who are the people who did it?
Monika Kryemadhi: For me it's Neritan Nallbati.
Blendi Fevziu: Because SPAK publicly came out and said that we did not participate in…
Monika Kryemadhi: Yes, and the court's decision is that the arrest of Ilir Meta should be carried out by the Investigation Bureau. The Investigation Bureau then delegated to the State Police that we do not see such a thing in the court's decision. Even in the hearing, the prosecutors themselves said that we did not carry out this process, but for me Neritan Nallbati, on the orders of Gys Agas, the famous...
Monika Kryemadhi: Yes, yes, Gys Agasi is the person who ordered the manner of Ilir Meta's arrest.

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