Tea significantly reduces heavy metals

2025-02-27 08:00:58 / JETË ALFA PRESS

Tea significantly reduces heavy metals

Scientists from Northwestern University in the US discovered that boiling tea significantly reduces heavy metals such as lead and cadmium.

According to Science Daily, the study examined the effects of different types of tea, tea bags, and different brewing methods on reducing heavy metals in water.

The researchers created water solutions containing certain amounts of heavy metals and added tea leaves that had been steeped for different periods of time to the solutions, heating them to near-boiling temperatures.

They measured how much heavy metal remained in the solution after the scalding process and compared this to levels before and after.

As a result of the study, it was determined that finely ground black tea leaves, thanks to their large surface area, formed a chemical bond with heavy metal ions, allowing them to be removed from the water in a "large mass."

Scientists determined that the amount of heavy metals in water decreases with increasing tea steeping time and noted that tea bags made from cellulose are more effective than those made from cotton and nylon.

The study also found that tea may have positive effects on public health in regions where heavy metals are commonly seen in drinking water.

The study findings were published in the journal "ACS Food Science & Technology".

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