Be careful! Drooling signals illness!

It often happens that we feel like we are getting wet with saliva coming out of our mouths during sleep and in the morning we wake up with a wet pillow. This is a process that happens at any age and can often be annoying.
Drooling is mainly a result of excess saliva, which inevitably forces the person in question to find a way to expel the excess.
But did you know that in cases where this "phenomenon" occurs regularly and intensely, it could be a sign of a developing disease?
Likewise, drooling signals that something is wrong with your body.
When we sleep, the facial muscles and swallowing reflexes become relaxed, so as saliva accumulates in the mouth, the relaxed facial muscles lead to a slow opening of the mouth.
In this way, we unknowingly end up with a soggy pillow.
As if that weren't enough, excessive drooling can sometimes indicate a blockage in the airways, which could be caused by a sinus infection or could be related to neurological disease.
Drooling can also be a result of medication side effects or gastrointestinal reflex disorders, which can lead to serious problems with the esophagus. This is the case when drooling is also accompanied by difficulty swallowing.
It is always a good idea to present this disorder to your doctor, who will tell you whether it is a completely harmless factor, as mentioned above, or whether it is hiding a health problem.
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