"It creates a red line in the PS", Kikia: Rama has placed young people and those MPs with one mandate on the safe list

Analyst Mentor Kikia, in an interview with Ora News, stated that Rama has placed young people and those who have only one mandate on the safe list.
Kikia: These are intense days, it is the last day for determining the list of candidates who will compete in the elections on May 11.
It is the keynote of engagement in every political party.
It is known that there are requests to include as many as possible on the list.
What makes the difference between the two political forces is the fact that the SP or Rama decided that on this safe list where candidates do not compete, they must have taken into account the fact that in certain constituencies each party has a projection and those who are included in this list are considered safe.
And Rama decided to give opportunities to young people and those who only have one mandate in this safe list.
This creates a red line in the SP.
On one side are the deputies running for the first time and those with one mandate, and on the other side are the veterans.

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