If elections were held today, who would Albanians vote for?

2025-03-11 22:23:25 / POLITIKË ALFA PRESS
If elections were held today, who would Albanians vote for?

The Euronews Barometer – Albania has conducted the second election measurement after the January 2025 measurement. Again, the methodology used and the sample were the same, 1600 citizens questioned throughout the country, face to face. The data collection period for the second election measurement of the Euronews Barometer-Albania is 15-25 February 2025.

The most important political question in the Barometer measurements for the May 11 elections is: Which party would you vote for if the elections were held today? Through this question in all political measurements we are able to read the voting tendency of citizens for the upcoming elections. The answers in the second measurement show that: 39.1% of citizens if the elections were held today would vote for the Socialist Party, 27.8% of them would vote for the Democratic Party.

And in order as follows, 5.1% of citizens would vote for "Albania Becomes", 3.9% "Partia Mundësia" 2% "Lëvizja Bashkë", 1.4% Party of Freedom, 1.7 other parties. Meanwhile, 19% of citizens are undecided to answer this question. Some of them indicate that they will not vote, some do not know the answer or refuse to answer this question.

Compared to the first political measurements in January 2025, the second measurements show how voting trends have changed. In the first measurements, the difference between those citizens who would vote for the SP and the DP was 15.6%, while today in the second measurements this difference has narrowed to 11.3%. The undecided in both measurements have remained exactly at the same level (19%).

Another reading in comparing the two measurements of voter turnout is the decrease of the SP by 1.4% and the increase of the DP by 2.9%. As for the new and small parties, a decrease is observed from the first measurement to the second measurement, with the exception of an increase of 0.8% that the “Partia Mundësia” has undergone.

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